Soup-puree from the liver

Soups-mashed potatoes are very easily absorbed by the body, it's not for nothing that they are included in the diet of the youngest children. A soup-puree from the liver is particularly useful, because the liver contains a lot of important trace elements. Correctly prepared dishes from the liver saturate the body with vitamins and minerals.

Soup-puree from the liver



Prepare the liver, remove the film, veins and cut it into pieces. Cut large pieces of vegetables. Liver fry in vegetable oil until golden, add the sliced ​​vegetables, fry and add the meat broth . Stew the vegetables with the liver under the closed lid for 20 minutes. Then the obtained mass is ground with a blender. Fry the flour with butter , pour the remaining broth and boil the ingredients for 10 minutes. The resulting sauce is filtered through gauze. We connect the chopped liver with vegetables and sauce, mix, bring to a boil, add salt and fill with yolks whipped with cream.

Beef liver puree soup



Liver mine, remove the film and cut into oblong slices, fry on hot vegetable oil until golden brown. Pour the water into the pan, and when the water boils, throw the liver into it. Potatoes are cleaned and cut into several parts and we also throw them into a saucepan, add salt and onions, cook under the closed lid for 15 minutes and throw the carrots (you can grate on it to cook more quickly) and cook for another 15 minutes. At the end we throw a handful of pasta, give a boil and boil for another three minutes. Turn off the fire, add a spoonful of butter to the soup. We interrupt everything with a blender.

Recipe for soup-puree from the liver



The liver is cut into pieces, carrots rubbed on a grater, onion finely cut into cubes. Fry all ingredients in butter, until a pleasant color, add half a cup of water and stew for 25 minutes. We let the finished products through a meat grinder. In a clean frying pan fry the flour, add to it a half liter of boiling water and crushed ingredients, bring to a boil, while constantly stirring. Boil another five minutes, and turn off the fire. We pour out on plates, we decorate with croutons and greens and we submit to a table.

Chicken liver puree soup



We clean onions, carrots, parsley, celery and parsnip, cut all the vegetables into small pieces, throw them into boiling salted water and cook until done. The liver is cut into small pieces and fried in vegetable oil until a golden crust is formed. Cooked vegetables and roasted liver are passed through a meat grinder. In the broth in which the vegetables were cooked we add oat flakes or crackers, we give a boil, pour in the cream and our puree from vegetables and liver is almost ready. We boil our soup for another five minutes and turn it off.

Soup puree from liver in multivark



We lubricate the pan of the multivark oil. Bread soaked in warm milk for 10 minutes. We clean the liver of my films and crush it in a meat grinder along with bread. In the mixture, add the yolk, salt solution, mix everything to a homogeneous mass and wipe through a sieve. In the bowl multivarka spread the liver, pour the decoction of vegetables, mix, close the lid. We choose the program "Soup", we set the time 20 minutes.