Adjika with horseradish

It is known a large number of seasonings for different dishes. Many people prefer meat to ketchup - tomato sauce, bought in the nearest supermarket. However, these sauces are not very useful and not always tasty. Much better for meat dishes, homemade ajika will do - you will regulate the gravity of the sauce yourself, and there is not the slightest doubt about the usefulness of this seasoning. Tomatoes and peppers are a source of vitamins C, E, Group B, lycopene and folic acid, potassium and magnesium, organic acids and sugars. Garlic contains germanium and phytoncides, which help prevent colds. And to cope with viral infections and support the body, slightly change the prescription. A real storehouse of vitamins and many useful minerals - adzhika with horseradish. This sauce is prepared in different ways and according to different recipes.

Hot sauce for lamb



My pepper and tomatoes, we prepare everything necessary. Peppers cut in half, cut out the septa and carefully remove the seeds. Tomatoes cut into several lobules and remove the white parts. Clean garlic and horseradish root. With the help of a food processor, or a blender, or a meat grinder, we turn all the ingredients into gruel. Garlic can be passed through the press, but can be ground with the rest of the products. In a mortar we place coriander, salt and sugar and rub it all together well. My greens and finely shred. In a cauldron or a saucepan mix and warm up the ingredients of our Adjika. When the sauce starts to boil, pour in the vinegar and boil for about 2 minutes. It is possible to decompose adjika on banks and store in a refrigerator, and you can roll for the winter.

Adjika raw with horseradish

To save a maximum of vitamins, we will not boil. We'll get ajika raw with horseradish, cook it without vinegar.



Well washed peppers and tomatoes, we clean garlic and horseradish root. Peppers cut and remove seeds and septa - especially carefully in hot pepper. Horseradish grate, tomatoes and peppers let's go through the meat grinder or we rub with a blender, let the garlic through the press, salt and sugar rub with seeds to get a homogeneous mass. Mix everything together. Raw adzhika with horseradish and garlic is ready. We store it in the refrigerator and use it as needed.

Delicate Adzhika

The adzhika's recipe with horseradish and tomatoes can be modified to make a less tangy sauce, which can be even for those who are acute contraindicated. Excellent option - adzhika raw with horseradish and apples.



My apples, cut, remove the seed boxes and cut the peel, my tomatoes and cut out the white parts, my peppers and carefully remove the seeds and septa. Clean garlic and horseradish root. Put everything in the blender, add salt and sugar and crush as much as possible. Ready adzhika we store in jars in the refrigerator.