Holidays in Germany

Like any federal state, Germany is rich in national culture. Many holidays are common for all Germans, some celebrate only in a certain territory according to established traditions.

The main holidays of Germany

In every state, any event begins with the New Year , which begins on January 1. This country is no exception. Among the traditional holidays that exist in Germany, he is one of the most unusual, the Germans call him Sylvester and celebrate on a grand scale, buying a huge number of firecrackers and missiles. It has long been believed that noisy activities can scare away evil spirits. Among all sorts of dishes on the table must be present fish, attracting luck.

Religious holidays in Germany begin on January 6, which is considered the Day of Epiphany . Described in the Bible, the worship of the Magi to the Divine Child Jesus is venerated by Christians of all denominations, although it has a different name. Officially everyone is resting on this day. From everywhere in Cologne come to the celebratory mass believers in the Cathedral of St. Peter and the Mother of God, because it is there that are the relics of the three wise men.

If you ask someone what holidays celebrate in Germany such an event as a carnival, many will call the week preceding Easter . It depends on the spring full moon, so it is celebrated between March 22 and April 25. Its symbols are considered to be colored eggs and Easter bunny. After Christmas, most people begin to prepare for an interesting event, despite the fact that there is still plenty of time. In the stores begin to appear fancy dresses, which are the main attribute of the holiday. The week itself takes place in a cheerful relaxed atmosphere and ends with a solemn procession. Among other cheerful dates one can call the first of April, which is similar to the Day of Laughter known to us.

On May 10, the whole country celebrates Book Day , in memory of the date when thousands of books were burned by the fascist authorities in 1933. The second Sunday of the month gives all attention to mothers, Germany celebrates Mother's Day . A significant religious holiday Ascension coincides with Father's Day on the fortieth day after Easter.

The most famous state holiday in Germany, which the whole world knows, is considered to be August 8 . The date relates to the conclusion of the Augsburg Peace. The solemnity concerns only this city, which is in the territory of Bavaria.

No less famous event that also takes place in Bavaria in Munich is the Beer Festival . By tradition, it begins on the third Saturday of September and ends only after 16 days. It is visited by millions of tourists, it consumes millions of liters of beer. On its scale it can not be compared to any holiday. Not for nothing that the festival of beer is noted in the Guinness Book of Records.

At the beginning of October, on the 3rd, Germany marks the reunification of the Western and Eastern parts of the country. The date is called the Day of German Unity . But to thank the Almighty for the generous gifts of nature and the care of people by the Germans was made on the first Sunday of October. This truly national holiday in Germany is called Thanksgiving Day . The end of the month (October 31) marks the Day of the Reformation , which is connected with the Protestant church.

In November, people who fell victim to wars are commemorated. The date is not tied to a specific number, but you can not forget about it. But the end of December brings Christmas to the Germans. The 25th became one of the most beloved and brightest dates. It was this country that gave the whole world the tradition of decorating the tree.

There are many other interesting holidays in Germany. But the listed ones remain the most interesting and famous.