World Vision Day

Many can hear this for the first time, and will be surprised, but there really is such a "red calendar day", which has a rather impressive scale, which is called the World Eye Day. What is this day? What is its peculiarity will be discussed below.

When do they celebrate World Vision Day, and what is this holiday?

Many will wonder when they celebrate World Vision Day, and what exactly is worth noting? At once it is necessary to make a note about the fact that the holiday is a conditional name, as no cakes and pastries are baked or given away. This is only a date that is designed to be considered "red" in order to draw the world's attention to the problems of mankind with eyesight. The World Health Organization (WHO) in 1998 approved the World Eye Day, which is celebrated every second Thursday in October . This was done in order to induce in people around the world the desire to worry about vision, at least about their personal, not to mention those who suffer 100% blindness. World Eye Day, by the way, is a big part of the global blindness program "Vision 2020: The Right to Sight".

This year, World Day of Sight was celebrated on October 8. It was then that people could go to medical institutions for a free consultation of specialists regarding the health of their eyes. Unfortunately, this event is not widely advertised in the mass media, because it is very important that people know about this action. And it is important that not only those who have criticism for the quality of sight, but also those who have none at all, are consulted. I will once again be convinced of my health, it will never be superfluous, as well as to reveal in advance the slight deviations from the norm, which may not manifest themselves, but at the same time serve as the beginning of serious diseases.

The World Day for the Protection of Vision is also marked by various charitable actions. Some commercial ophthalmological centers, spend on this day paid receptions, but the money is transferred to the aid funds for people without vision. There are many such associations and institutions that provide assistance to blind people, both medical (medicines, special adaptations, etc.), and social (special trainings, training and friendly meetings, etc.). There are a lot of such people. Statistics data is appalling.

World Day of view, celebrated this year on October 8, is also aimed at ensuring that absolutely all people begin to carry out preventive measures for the preservation and improvement of eye health. For this purpose, in some medical centers and institutions, special seminars and meetings are held, which are open for visits and aimed at highlighting the basic principles of prevention.

Recommendations for the preservation of vision

In order to prolong the health of the visual body, doctors recommend first of all to eat right and not to be nervous. Eating black currants, blueberries and carrots you supply the body with the necessary vitamins. And avoiding nervous breakdowns and stresses, you lose the opportunity to suffer increased eye pressure, which can lead to very unpleasant consequences.