Funny contests for the birthday of adults

No matter how old you are, birthday is always an important holiday. Of course, the scope of celebration is gradually diminishing, and in adulthood it often boils down to the usual "sit-rounds at the table". But in this case the holiday can be diversified, made more fun and brighter. So, the birthday of adults is diluted with fun contests.

Guess an animal

The following funny contests will perfectly suit just on your birthday at the table. For the same contest, several photos of famous stars will be required. The player turns away, and the host shows his guests a photo and says: "I have a picture of an animal - try to guess which one." The player asks suggestive questions like "Does he have horns?", While others see who is actually pictured in the photo. The sea of ​​laughter is guaranteed!

New tales

At the table, of course, representatives of different professions will gather. And the problem is to apply their professional skills ... on children's fairy tales. Imagine a fairy tale in the form of a psychiatric report or a police report. Make it as funny as possible! This contest is perfect for creative people in the soul and generally for everyone who has a sense of humor and a desire to have fun.

Collective creativity

All players are given clean sheets and pens. The facilitator asks questions - "Who?", "Where?", "What did?". For each question, players respond and pass the sheet to a neighbor, while bending it so that the records can not be seen. When the questions are over, everyone laughs at the received story.

Collect the balls

This funny contest for the birthday of adults will be especially fun if you buy as many balls as possible, and the guests will gather, say, within ten. The bottom line is to spread the balls around the floor and tell the guests to collect as fast as they can hold. Fun is guaranteed!

Without hands

In the room go as many girls as possible, behind them - guys blindfolded and hands behind their backs. The task is to learn as many girls as possible using anything but hands. The rest can be nearby, laugh, shoot on video, because this very funny contest for the birthday promises to bring a sea of ​​laughter from the amusing attempts of the players.


This competition, as a rule, leads the guests into raptures, especially those who are already tipsy. Between the legs of the stools is fixed one glove, in the fingers of which a small puncture was made in advance. They are filled with water, and at the signal participants must "milk a cow". The winner is the player who made it the fastest.

Pass the orange

Before the players is the task: while playing music, get rid of the orange on your knees, passing them to your neighbor. You can send anything ... but without hands. First, the leader puts the orange on his knees to the extreme participant, and then the fruit in a circle "jumps" from one person to another. The one who has not had time to get rid of an orange at the moment when music ceases plays. The only remaining person wins.

Beginners rappers

This funny and fun birthday contest will suit those who like to laugh at themselves. The bottom line is to dress up several people in stereotyped rapper clothes ( caps , glasses, volumetric T-shirts) and send on stage a congratulatory rap. Those who wish can diversify their performance - dance, insert their own words. The winner is determined by the birthday.

So, there are many different contests for people of all ages and holidays in any place. You can not determine the funniest contests for the birthday of adults, because people expect different from their holiday and have different preferences. But one thing is for sure: everyone wants to sometimes arrange a merry celebration, which they want to keep in memory for a long time. And competitions can be a great helper!