Clitoral Removal

The operation to remove the clitoris is associated with the bloodthirsty rites of infibulation, which are still carried out in the countries of northern Africa and Latin America. Following the religious canons and traditions, women will voluntarily mutilate themselves and their underage daughters, thereby permanently depriving them of simple human joys, without even thinking about what problems such an act may turn out to be. But many years of experience shows, and scientific studies confirm that the removal of the clitoris made in conditions of complete unsanitary conditions is not just an unbearable pain that will become a psychological trauma for a lifetime, as well as chronic infections, cysts, abscesses, severe psycho-emotional state.

Clitoral removal in developed countries

Of course, a sensible and civilized person who is able to really appreciate the consequences of a clitorectomy, it is difficult to calmly treat such a procedure as to the manifestation of a cultural tradition.

Nevertheless, the operation to remove the clitoris is carried out to this day in fairly developed countries. What pushes women to such an ambiguous act? The first reason why ladies turn to a surgeon for help is a hypertrophic clitoris. However, in recent years, patients have been denied such services, referring them to the endocrinologist for examination, arguing that this is the result of endocrine disruptions that are eliminated medically.

Quite another matter is the removal of the clitoral hood. Since for a number of reasons the clitoris may be under a large skin fold or post-traumatic scar, which, in turn, prevents getting orgasm and pleasure from sex. Operations to remove the hood of the clitoris are performed under general or local anesthesia. At the end of the procedure, the woman is stitched, which eventually dissolve. And after the expiration of the rehabilitation period, lasting three weeks, a woman can return to her usual life.

Contraindications to the conduct of a clitorectomy (partial cutting of the skin fold) can serve as diseases of internal organs in the stage of exacerbation and the presence of sexual infection.