Montenegro - laws

Montenegro is a small friendly country, ideally suited to those who prefer a budget and ecological rest. The most comfortable conditions for different categories of tourists are created here. To calmly enjoy all the charms of Montenegro and at the same time feel safe, you need to comply with its laws and standards of conduct.

Registration of tourists in Montenegro

Currently, the main requirement, which is presented to all tourists without exception, is the availability of a certificate of registration. In the summer of 2016, the law "On registration at the place of stay" was issued, according to which every foreign citizen who has arrived to the territory of Montenegro must register at the police station. The inquiry can be demanded at the airport , port or any other checkpoint. Until then, travel agencies, hotels and private landlords were involved in registration. Even if the owner of the apartment, the manager of a hotel or a travel company, assures that he undertakes to obtain a document, it is better to arrange it yourself at the nearest police station. If entry to the territory of the country fell on the day off, then you need to register in the nearest working day.

According to the law, a certificate of registration is required both during the stay and when leaving Montenegro. In case of its absence, a tourist may face a fine of € 200 ($ 214).

Visa and customs control of Montenegro

At the moment, Russian citizens can travel to Montenegro without a visa . The law allows you to have a foreign currency with you. When transporting large amounts, it is better to fill out a customs declaration. The procedure for border and customs control for Russians is simplified as much as possible.

Montenegrin territory is allowed to import and export from it the following cargo:

Objects and things of historical or artistic value are prohibited to be exported without the availability of an authorization document.

Administrative Responsibility

In Montenegro, there are many laws and regulations, in violation of which a serious fine or even imprisonment can be threatened. Here are some of them:

In addition, according to the laws of Montenegro, imprisonment may threaten tourists who:

Norms of behavior in Montenegro

In order not to be among the ill-bred tourists, you should not walk around the streets of Montenegrin cities drunk or half-naked. In the same form it is not necessary to visit public places and sights .

In Montenegro, it is not accepted to go on a visit without a present. You can not climb with embraces and kisses to strangers. Despite the fact that Montenegrins are very patient people, it is not worthwhile to start talking with them about the problems of Yugoslavia.

Before you go on a visit, for a walk or a tour of temples and museums , it is better to take care of your appearance.

Security in the country

In addition to compliance with local laws, Montenegro needs to closely monitor its own safety. The crime rate here is quite low. Occasionally in places of large concentrations of people you can run into thieves or beggars. But it is best to follow the following rules:

The water in Montenegro is high in calcium and chlorine, so it is best to drink tap water with caution or not drink at all. Swimming on the coast, you should not swim too far. Avoid jellyfish and sea urchins. You need to be more careful while traveling on mountain serpentine, since the probability of rockfalls is very high. To protect yourself from any emergencies, it is better to take care of an insurance policy in advance.

Respecting the traditions of Montenegro and respecting its laws, you can not worry about your vacation , but instead enjoy the beautiful weather, explore the local attractions and get acquainted with the culture of this amazing country.