Douching with thrush

Most women are familiar with thrush, a disease in the vagina caused by yeast-like Candida fungi that are related to conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. This means that fungi are part of the microflora of the genital tract. And when there are provoking factors (a decrease in immunity, new sexual partners, infections, etc.), they begin to multiply intensively, and the woman suffers from white plaque, itching and burning on the labia. To treat thrush, gynecologists usually prescribe antifungal agents (suppositories, tablets, ointments). Sometimes the doctor prescribes and syringing.

How to do syringing with thrush?

It is worth noting that not all women know how to properly syringe . Douching refers to the procedure in which the vagina is washed with prescribed means. It is performed, as a rule, once or twice a day - in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. For syringing, you need to buy a syringe in the pharmacy - a special pear. Before use, the rubber part of it is boiled, and the plastic is treated with medical alcohol. When the solution for the procedure is ready, it must be filled into a syringe. It is convenient to do douching in a bath: a woman needs to lie on her bottom on her back, spread her knees and put her feet on the edges. Directing the end of the pear in the vagina, you should slowly enter the therapeutic fluid and lie down for 10-20 minutes.

It is possible to perform the procedure only according to the doctor's prescription, because the abuse of this method of treatment can lead to the washing out of the healthy microflora of the vagina, which in turn provokes colpitis and the strengthening of thrush.

Than syringed at thrush?

To perform this procedure, antiseptic solutions and herbal decoctions are usually used.

  1. The most common option for syringing is douching with soda , for which 0.5 liters of warm boiled water is taken 1 teaspoon of soda and thoroughly mixed.
  2. Quite often prescribe for thrush douching with chlorhexidine in combination with a bacterial infection. The preparation itself should not be diluted, it is already available as a ready-made solution.
  3. Quite popular is syringing with potassium permanganate in thrush, and there are both positive and negative reviews. Some gynecologists consider even a weak solution of potassium pergamanate to be harmful to the mucous membrane of the vagina and its microflora. To prepare a solution in 200 ml of boiled water, several crystals of potassium permanganate must be dissolved.
  4. For syringing with hydrogen peroxide for thrush in 0.5 liters of boiled water dilute 1 tablespoon. substance. Such a solution promotes the recovery of the environment in the genital tract.
  5. When syringing with boric acid for thrush, a teaspoon of the drug should be diluted in a liter of warm boiled water. Carry out the procedure carefully, so as not to burn the vaginal mucosa.
  6. With severe itching and abundant milk secretions, syringing with furacilin in case of thrush helps. To obtain a solution, it is necessary to dissolve 5 tablets in half a liter of water. Do not spend more than 4 treatments in a row.
  7. Many recommend syringing with a marigold calendula, a decoction that does not cure the disease, but helps to relieve inflammation and irritation of the affected mucous membranes. Prepare it as follows: 1 tbsp. l. dry inflorescences pour a glass of boiling water and insist for an hour.
  8. Douching with thrush vinegar helps restore the natural pH of the vagina, which helps reduce the development of fungi. Liters of water should be mixed with 2 tbsp. l. apple or ordinary vinegar.
  9. When sprinkling chlorophyllipt with thrush, take 1% alcohol solution and dissolve one of its tablespoon in 500 ml of boiled water. The procedure should be carried out during the week at night. One should be careful, since chlorophyllipt can cause allergic reactions.
  10. Choosing syringing oak bark with thrush, the broth for the procedure is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. l. The bark should be filled with a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour in a water bath. The resulting liquid must be filtered and brought to boiling water to a volume of 1 liter.

Do not consider syringing the main method of treatment for thrush. The procedure only improves the well-being of a woman with thrush, reduces itching and swelling.