Pannelopenia of cats

This disease is also called feline plague or viral enteritis . If you do not start treatment in time, the effects of panleukopenia in cats will be very sad, and in 90% of cases this is fatal. In addition, this virus is also very resistant to the effects of conventional disinfectants, frost or heat.

Pannelopenia of cats - how is the infection

Infection can occur if the animal is in the place where the infected cat recently passed. The virus spreads through feces, discharge from the nose and saliva. It is enough just to smell feces or walk on the grass where the infected animal was recently infected, and the cat has already picked up the virus.

Also, it's worth remembering that even a year after recovery, the virus remains in your house and a new animal can catch it. Fortunately, it is species-specific, so the cat's panelikopenia is not dangerous to humans.

After entering the body, the virus immediately begins to actively spread to all organs and tissues. About a week later you will notice the manifestations of the first symptoms. For young individuals and kittens, infection in eighty cases out of a hundred leads to death.

Cat's panleukopenia - symptoms and treatment

After infection in the behavior of the cat, noticeable changes begin. Symptoms include the following:

If you notice one of these symptoms of panleukopenia of cats, the initial treatment before you come to the doctor lies with you. If the pet refuses to eat, do not forcibly feed, but you can offer water.

It is necessary to measure the temperature in the cat. For the final diagnosis of panleukopenia in cats and the selection of a treatment regimen, the veterinarian prescribes a blood test. This makes it possible to distinguish the cat's panleukopenia from other diseases with similar symptoms. These include pyroplasmosis or enteritis of an alimentary origin.

Cat's panleukopenia - treatment regimen

The virus is very stable, so that a drug that can completely overcome it, even today is not invented. The very treatment of a cat's panleucopenia is multi-stage and complex. For each animal, the scheme is selected individually.

First of all they work with the symptomatology and help the animal cope with the disease. To combat dehydration, salt solutions are used. Also actively use vitamin therapy, glucose, antibiotic treatment and various antiviral drugs.

Depending on the symptoms and condition of the animal, the veterinarian prescribes various painkillers, cardiac or antihistamines. To improve the condition resort to enema or gastric lavage.

It is important not only to give medicines in a timely manner, but also to carry out a number of auxiliary actions.

  1. As quickly as possible, remove stools or vomit from pets. Constantly monitor his eyes and clean them if pus begins to accumulate, this also applies to the discharge from the nose and ears.
  2. Provide the pet with a constant flow of fresh air and coolness. At the same time, avoid drafts, carry the animal during ventilation in another room.
  3. Never force to food or drink. The animal itself will return to the bowl when the time comes. Your task is to prepare him a light and maximally frayed food. You can feed up to five times a day, but in small portions.

To prevent infection, do not neglect the vaccination, which will protect your pet for a year. Preliminary conduct deworming and check the general condition of the body. This will avoid a strong impact on the state of the animal's body.