How much does the temperature of ARVI stay with the child?

All diseases that have a viral etiology are accompanied by a rise in temperature. And this is quite natural, because in this way the body tries to overcome the penetrated foreign agents. Other question, how much the temperature at ORVI at the child keeps? This is important to know, so as not to confuse the typical defensive reaction of the body with the symptoms of a more serious disease that began due to the attachment of a bacterial infection.

How many days does the temperature last for children?

Coryza, red sore throat, cough and temperature - a characteristic clinical picture in ARVI. As a rule, the fight against viruses in a child's body takes from 2 to a maximum of 5 days. But, it is possible only with a competent approach and adequate treatment. Very often moms try to bring down the temperature just barely exceeded the norm, thereby rendering the baby "a disservice". In fact, such a policy is fundamentally wrong, because a rise in temperature is a natural protective reaction of the body. At high temperature leukocytes become active and they begin to attack pathogenic viruses. Of course, the temperature, which has exceeded the 38-39 degree mark, while continuing to rise rapidly, it is necessary to shoot down. Wait for high rates do not stand in children prone to the appearance of seizures, as well as at night.

With a favorable outcome for 3-4 days, the temperature will begin to decrease independently and the baby will recover.

That's why, when answering the question how many days the temperature lasts during ARVI in children, doctors recommend waiting at least 3 days before proceeding to more serious therapy. By the way, during this period it is important to support the crumb with antiviral drugs, and also provide him with an abundant drink.

Can the temperature during ARVI stay at the child 5-7 days?

The insidiousness of this disease is that in ARVI it is easy to miss the moment when a virus infection is joined by a bacterial infection, and the disease becomes more complex. Bacterial bronchitis and even pneumonia are possible complications of a viral disease. As a rule, if the accession of the infection still took place, the temperature lasts much longer, and the patient's condition deteriorates sharply. In such cases, you need to help the body cope with the disease through more serious therapy, which should appoint a pediatrician. Most often, these diseases are treated with antibiotics and other concomitant medications.