Chicken in sour cream sauce in a frying pan

Chicken meat is popular not only because of its numerous useful and dietary properties. It is easily and quickly prepared, and its fairly neutral, unobtrusive taste opens up ample opportunities for cooks to create a wide variety of culinary masterpieces.

Today we will consider options for making chicken in sour cream sauce in a frying pan. Delicate chicken flesh, soaked in creamy taste and spices, becomes an amazing treat, capable of pleasing any gourmet.

Chicken fillet in cream-garlic sauce in a frying pan - recipe



To make chicken in sour cream sauce, wash it with cold water, dip it with water or a paper towel and cut into portions. Also, we clean, shinkle half rings and brown on vegetable oil onions and lay the prepared chicken fillet to it. Let's first brown him with onions on high heat, and then pour a little, pepper, cover the frying pan with a lid, reduce the intensity of the fire to a minimum and pat down for fifteen to twenty minutes, depending on the size of the chicken slices.

Sour cream is mixed with peeled and melenko chopped garlic, add salt, ground black pepper, dried spicy herbs to your taste and pour our chicken with onions and sour cream sauce. We let the dish soak for five minutes, soaked in sauce and can be served with your favorite side dish.

The taste of this dish is very easy to diversify by the addition of mushrooms or vegetables, which perfectly complement the delicate structure of chicken meat.

Chicken in a creamy mustard sauce in a frying pan



Washed and dried chicken drumsticks or thighs brown in vegetable oil on a hot large frying pan with a thick bottom on both sides, season with salt and pepper. While the chicken is fried, cleaned, shredded onions and pawned in a frying pan, trying to fill them with gaps between the meat. We give the hen with the onion brown for five minutes and pour in the white dry wine. We reduce the heat to a minimum and maintain the dish in this mode until the liquid evaporates approximately twice. This will take about ten minutes.

Now in a separate container we combine broth and sour cream, add salt, ground black pepper and nutmeg, dry herbs of your choice and taste, mix them and pour the chicken in a frying pan. Warm the mass to a boil, reduce the intensity of the fire and, covering the lid, we languish the chicken for thirty minutes. Then add the Dijon mustard, mix everything well, throw the finely chopped green parsley, warm all together for another five minutes, and turn off the stove.

Under the creamy mustard sauce in a frying pan, you can cook any part of the chicken carcass. Very dignified and juicy for this recipe is a chicken breast, only to extinguish it will be enough and fifteen minutes.