Wedding on Apple saved - signs

Wedding on the day of Apple salvage is a double event. Firstly, because the marriage is always a significant event for the newlyweds themselves, their relatives and friends. Secondly, because it coincides with the beloved national holiday, which is celebrated on August 19 and is called the Apple salvage. True, on this day the happiness of the newlyweds is not always waiting, and what should be feared - will prompt signs.

Signs of the wedding on Apple saved

Traditionally, it was on August 19 in Russia that the wedding season began. Our ancestors, having collected a rich harvest, could with peace of mind indulge in laziness and entertainment. And most of the signs associated with the wedding on Apple Saved were of positive significance. It was believed that the young family born on this day will be strong and friendly, and yet - great, because the children in it will appear one by one. However, if on the way to the registry office you meet on the road some animal, you need to try not to knock it down with a car - otherwise the spoil will fall on you. If flies and bees are circling around the bride and groom, someone is gossiping behind their backs. If an insect has fallen into a dish on the wedding table - the newlyweds will live in prosperity.

What should be done to make the wedding at Apple Apple a success?

You can not only try to understand the meaning of the wedding in Apple saved, but also put a hand to ensure that the marriage came out happy. For this, there must be fresh apples and dishes from them on the table, preferably with honey, so that the life of the young people becomes sweet and full. You can also make the bride and groom eat a large green apple , for example, an Antonovka, and wish that the sour in their life together were exclusively fruits, and not relationships. Apples and apple branches should be used as decor of the room where the celebration takes place, for decorating wedding cars.