Bellflower Carpathian: cultivation

Attracts a glance in the flowering alpine hill beautiful perennial herbaceous plant - the bell of Carpathian. Dense bushes of this winter-hardy plant have blue, purple and white flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, reminiscent of elegant porcelain cups. The plant blooms continuously from June to September, it is resistant to pests and diseases.

In nature, the bell of the Carpathians is spread on the calcareous rocks of the mountainous regions of Europe and in the Carpathians. He loves sunny places, as well as a light penumbra. To the soil the plant is undemanding, but still prefers soil loose, fertile and non-acidic. For the cultivation of the bell of the Carpathians it is better to select places protected from the winds. In one place the bell of the Carpathians can grow up to six years. It is useful for him to make ash, lime, dolomite flour. You can not fertilize the plant with fresh manure or humus, it can cause disease and plant death. It does not tolerate the bell of water stagnation, but if moisture is not enough, it immediately affects the plant: the flowers become smaller and lose their beautiful color. For the winter the plant does not require any shelter. Care of the bell of the Carpathian is minimal: we must regularly loosen the soil and weed the weeds. And if you permanently remove dried and wilted flowers, you can significantly prolong the flowering of the bell.

The most common varieties of the Carpathian bell: "Alba" (white flowers), "Isabel" (blue flowers), "Blaumeis" (blue flowers), "Carpathen Crown" (purple flowers). A series of the Bell of the Carpathian "Clip" - a low plant with a lot of white flowers, continuously blooming almost all summer. Perfectly suitable for growing in pots.

How to plant the bell of the Carpathians?

The Carpathian bell is multiplied by cuttings or by dividing a bush. The plant has very powerful roots that go very deep into the ground, therefore it is impossible to transplant an adult plant - it will not take root in a new place. If you plant the plant with seeds, then it blooms only in the second year. Seeds germinate for a long time, so the sowing of the bell of the Carpathian must be superficial. To obtain seedlings, the seeds are sown in open ground on planting beds or in a room under glass or film to preserve high humidity. Every day, it is necessary to remove glass or film for airing. When the first real leaves appear, the seedlings must be dived into the boxes, and after about five weeks, the seedlings can be planted in the open ground. The bushes of the Carpathian bell will blossom in about twenty weeks.

The bell of the Carpathian Gnome

One of the most unpretentious types of bells of the Carpathian is the white or blue Dwarf. The plant has rounded compact bushes with continuously flowering single blue or white funnel-shaped flowers. Cultivation of the bell of the Carpathian Gnome is possible only through seedlings. In April-May, the seeds are sown with a surface sowing under glass or film. And shoots will appear in about twenty days. On a permanent place planted seedlings in August. Loves the bell of the Carpathian Gnome loose and fertile soils.

Decorative bell of the Carpathian is used to decorate mixborders and rockeries. No rock garden can do without this wonderful flower. High grades are well planted in the center of the flowerbed, and undersized ones on the edge, creating a border of them. Its long flowering period is used when arranging with many plants and flowers. He loves the neighborhood with geraniums, cuffs, carnations, peonies, irises. The bells of the bell of the Carpathian can decorate the balcony, loggia or terrace.

Plant these blue bells in your garden or on the balcony and let them entertain you and your guests with their heavenly chimes.