Dicentra - planting and care

Dicenter, or poetic "broken heart" - a very spectacular garden flower, capable of diluting your traditional daffodils, marigolds and lilies. Small hearts, as if split in the middle, appear on lush bushes in the spring and adorn the branches almost to the middle of summer. And this is in accordance with the basic rules of planting and caring for the center in the open.

Planting dicenters and caring for the plant

Planting material of a magnificent plant is a segment of the rhizome of an adult plant. For the flower pick up a site of any - shady or sunny. The main condition under which planting and caring for the flowers of the dicenter will necessarily lead to a bright pink result - the appearance of unusual buds, this is a well-drained, loose soil. Stagnation of moisture will certainly lead to the death of the roots.

It is not difficult to solve this problem: a layer of broken brick, pebbles or expanded clay is laid to the bottom of the pit with a depth of 45-50 cm. The soil is mixed with humus, watered with liquid complex fertilizers. The root is digested and watered.

Dicenter - the features of care

Watering should be done on time and without overdoing. This means that the earth clod should not dry out so that the plant does not lose the flowers. Therefore, the soil must be kept in a state of weak moisture.

For the cultivation of dicenters, regular loosening of the root portion of the earth should be carried out regularly. If frost is brewing early in the spring, and you already have shoots, they are covered with a non-woven material or a film.

Do not forget about the feeding, which is made in the early spring, using nitrogen-containing fertilizers and superphosphate. In autumn, the faded plant is cut off, leaving up to 5-7 cm of stems above the ground. In October, the densent is laid with humus, thereby fertilizing it and covering it from frost. After five years, the plant is transplanted to a new location. You can rejuvenate the dicentre by dividing its rhizome into several parts and planting it in different parts of the garden.