Orchid feeding at home

Orchids began to appear massively on our windowsills relatively recently, therefore it is possible to competently take care of them to units. One of the secrets of successful growing is the proper feeding of orchids in the home. It turns out that this is almost a whole science, because the success of this whole enterprise is affected even by the air temperature, at which you will make fertilizers.

What should be a feeding for orchids?

Why can not you use a conventional universal fertilizer or simply add granules for your garden? It turns out that the preparations from the bottle for feeding orchids at home are somewhat different in composition:

What kind of feeding of orchids to choose?

There are two ways to feed your beautiful: root and foliar. The root variant is preferred for adult plants. If you are going to use it, you should first water the plants to a well-moistened root. Next, we dilute the fertilizer in pure water according to the instructions and lower it into the container with a solution of the vase for about 20 minutes.

Foliar dressing for orchids is used as an alternative and more suitable for young flowers. Usually it is used when the roots are damaged, when the plant is sick with chlorosis, or during intensive root growth. It is important to spray the solution only in the morning or in cloudy weather, so that the sun does not burn the drops directly on the leaves. In the care of orchid feeding is one of the most important parts, because we do everything according to the rules. The temperature in the room is not above 27 ° C, no drafts or open windows during processing.

Separately touch on the issue of feeding orchids during flowering. It is likely that an inexperienced flower grower will decide to fertilize plants in the period of budding or direct flowering as actively as possible. But just this will cause a significant reduction in flowering period. So, it's worth stopping the feeding of orchids during flowering. But the introduction of drugs with potassium and phosphorus promotes the stimulation of kidney nucleation.