Pumps for watering the garden

In order for the crops to be on the beds, it is not enough to work in the garden without resting, since without timely watering all efforts will be brought to nothing. In rainy weather, nature itself helps the summer residents. But rains do not pour on order and have to think about how to water their plants. Progress has taken a long way, and buckets with watering cans now are a relic of the past. The best choice for the garden is motor pumps or water pumps. We'll talk about the latter today.

Types of pumps

There are several types of such pumps designed for garden and garden. If the water is supplied from the nearest water body - river or lake, the best option is a drain pump . He does not fear silt, fallen leaves, or small insects that have fallen into the water. Inside such a pump is a chopper, which instantly removes any debris.

If watering is carried out from the well, the depth is not more than ten meters, then it is necessary to choose a surface pump for watering the garden. As a rule, it has enough power to successfully reach the jet in any corner of the country site. The only drawback of this unit is the noise level. Oh, very tarahtit during the operation of such a pump. For soundproofing use rubber mats and install the pump in an insulated room. All shortcomings are forgotten with a simple and quick installation of the pump. It is enough simply to lower the hose into the water and proceed to watering.

The next type is a submersible pump . If the site already has a well, then with the help of such a pump it is possible to irrigate the garden. But it is not advisable to install it only for irrigation. After all, in order to put the pump into operation, it is necessary to resort to the help of specialists. Equally, as at the end of the season, the pump should be removed from the well and can be preserved until next summer. And the water raised from a great depth is very cold, and for plants this is enough is harmful.

The ideal option - a drum pump for watering the garden. It is not expensive, durable, very easy to install and virtually noiseless. Another undeniable advantage of this pump is the possibility of watering the garden, even if there is no well or some water body on the site. After all, he can even water from a bucket.

Every caring dacha collects rainwater in all kinds of tanks located on the site. Here's to them and fastened such a pump and you can water the garden with warm rain water. The maximum depth for a dive is about one and a half meters. This is the most simple and economical way of watering the garden.