How to store ginger?

Many of us are familiar with such a healing plant as ginger. Its root is used for making refreshing drinks , medicinal potions, and also as a spicy seasoning. You can buy ginger both fresh and in a hammer. In this case, storage of powdered ginger seasoning is not a problem. And how to keep the fresh root of this plant? Now find out!

Where to store the ginger root?

To keep the root as fresh as possible for longer, it is usually stored either in a refrigerator or in a freezer.

With the contents in a conventional refrigerator it is convenient to use a plastic bag with a fastener. Before you seal it, you need to try to release all the air. Store ginger in such a package is recommended in the vegetable compartment. You can also wrap the root in a paper towel, and then - in an ordinary paper bag.

If in the coming weeks you are not going to use ginger for the intended purpose, it is better to wrap it in a food film and put it in the freezer. The low temperature of this chamber will freeze the plant, without letting it deteriorate and at the same time retaining all its useful properties.

Vacuum cans and bags are often used to store food. This method is quite convenient, but not particularly prolongs the storage period of ginger.

A convenient method of storage is a combined one. Cut off that part of the spine you plan to use in the near future, and place it in the refrigerator, having previously packed it in a food container or a paper bag. Remain the remaining root in the freezer - you use it later, when necessary. Keep in mind that frozen ginger is easily rubbed on a grater. In addition, you can freeze already chopped or sliced ​​ginger.

Another way to properly store fresh ginger is its content in a liquid containing alcohol. To do this, the root is placed in a jar and filled with vodka or sherry. You can also use sake, rice vinegar or rice wine, but the first two options are more preferable - it is noticed that it is vodka and sherry that less change the taste and flavor of ginger and affect its useful properties.

An important point is the storage time. They depend on the place you put the root, and on the initial degree of freshness of the purchased product. To maximize the time during which it is possible to store ginger without changing its qualities, try to get as much freshness as possible. Such a root will be firm and elastic, without signs of wrinkles or mold. Also, fresh ginger has a bright scent and a smooth skin. So, how much can you store ginger:

In addition, it should be borne in mind that already purified ginger is stored less than the root in the peel.