Fried chanterelles with potatoes

Not all forests are full of chanterelles, and sorry, because they are delicious - once, and very useful - two.

Not only do they not accumulate radiation, which is very relevant at the moment, they also possess therapeutic power. Chanterelles contain carotene and are therefore very useful for the eyes.

Worms "bypass" these mushrooms side, because chanterelles contain a substance that is not compatible with their life.

Excellent chanterelles act on the liver, and even destroy the hepatitis virus. Chanterelles are natural antibiotics. And plus all this - chanterelles, delicious mushrooms. Elastic, fleshy, they resemble chicken meat.

So, you have a whole basket of these valuable mushrooms. How to cook them?

How to cook chanterelles and potatoes?

Chanterelles and potatoes are an unusually good combination. They are fried, and soared, and put out. In general, what they do not come up with, but they are only more delicious. These wonderful mushrooms are good in any dish.

When frying, chanterelles emit a lot of water and need to be evaporated. Therefore, sometimes cooked boiled chanterelles. Fried chanterelles with potatoes - this is generally a "bomb".

Fried potatoes with chanterelles - recipe



Chanterelles are sorted, mine and finely chopped. Toast. When the chanterelles begin to brown, add to them a thinly chopped onion.

Brusochki or slices of potatoes fry separately, and then connect with mushrooms and mix well.

How to fry potatoes with chanterelles, in general, even a novice culinary expert knows. The main thing is to stay and not eat too much. By the way, it is not necessary to cook chanterelles and potatoes separately. You can first fry the potatoes, so that a little bit with the raw material was, and already then add the chanterelles to it. But, remembering the property of chanterelles to give water, it is better to pre-cook them.

We serve fried potatoes with mushrooms , decorating with greens.

Chanterelles in sour cream with potatoes

They take second place in popularity after fried chanterelles.



We cook ordinary fried chanterelles, but at the end of frying we put sour cream into mushrooms. Mushrooms in sour cream stew for 7-10 minutes.

Potatoes cook, then divide each potato in half, or quarters, and put in a frying pan to chanterelles, soaked sour cream and mushroom spirit. Sprinkle with chopped greens, and take care of the tongue (so as not to swallow with this yummy).

Braised potatoes with chanterelles



Chanterelles are toasted with a finely chopped onion.

We put the potatoes in boiling water - let it cook.

To the chanterelles we spread boiled potatoes, add a little broth, bay leaf, spices. Cover the lid, we make a tiny light. In ten minutes we switch off.

If chanterelle fried with potatoes sprinkled with some grated cheese, such as "Parmesan" and put for five minutes in the oven, we get a delicious dish called "Chanterelles with potatoes in the oven."

Chanterelles with potatoes in pots



Chanterelles are well washed (they like to collect sand on themselves), cut and poured into a pot, smeared with butter. On top of the chanterelles we put the remaining vegetables, naturally, not entirely, but chopped. You like salt mushrooms, but try not to pour too much. Black pepper add, a few peas in each pot, and a spoonful of sour cream on top. 40 minutes walk, while the mushrooms languish in the oven, and then keep an eye on everyone to get it.

Use chanterelles in your diet, if you have at least the slightest opportunity. You not only eat in pleasure, but also improve health.