The Celtic Cross layout

The Celtic cross has a direct bearing on the ancient symbol. This fortune telling on Tarot cards has become popular due to the opportunity to get broad information about the past, present and future. It will answer the question from any sphere. Guessing is one of the most difficult, therefore it is worthwhile to spend it to people who have experience in interpretation. There are several options, but, in general, the layout is done on 10 cards. Fortune telling on the Tarot The Celtic cross can be spent on relationships, it's just worthwhile to ask the appropriate question. With the correct interpretation it is possible to learn a broad characteristic of a fortunate person, as well as to understand his inner state. With its help, you can find a way out of difficult situations and ways to achieve the goal.

The Tarot of the Celtic Cross

Before proceeding to divination, one should clearly articulate the desire. It is important that it is not trivial and does not feature more than one query. Take the deck of cards, mix it and start making the layout. Put the first and second cards in the center with a cross. Then, spread the next four cards clockwise around, starting from the top. Put four more cards in a vertical line separately from the bottom up.

The interpretation of the layout Celtic cross

In general, the drawing can be divided into three parts: a cross, a circle and a tower. Deciphering each of them is a certain stage of divination. The cross, formed by two central cards helps to reveal the essence of the issue. The circle allows us to understand how past and present events affect the future. The tower will characterize a person and help to look into the future. Thanks to this, you can choose the right way to solve existing problems. Three groups are linked and point to the past and the future of each other.

Interpretation of tarot cards in the Celtic cross:

№1 - Center . Indicates the main situation and the person. Thanks to this card, you can learn about the relationship to the question and the state of the soul.

№2 - The problem . Tell about the extraneous impact that relates to the issue and prevents you from achieving the desired in life. By getting rid of the problem, you can push yourself to development.

№3 - The basis . Will help to understand what a man really wants. The map will tell you about the reasons for the situation. She also points to the goal to which the guessing person consciously strives.

№ 4 - The past . Discloses information that is at a subconscious level. The map will let you know about the changes that have become a significant factor in the development of the problem.

№5 - Exodus . Indicates the past, which became a definite beginning for the current situation. The map can tell about hidden information, as well as about an alternative development scenario. To fix the situation, you should compare this card with 10.

№6 - The present . Helps to know what will happen in life and affect the situation.

№7 map - Purpose . Tell about the existing opportunities to change reality. In addition, you can learn about your own state, position, feelings, etc.

№8 - Environment . It will indicate the events and people related to the state of the guessing person. This card can also be called an instrument for achieving the desired.

№9 - Needs . Will let you know about the hopes and fear of man.

№10 - The result . It will give an opportunity to learn the real result of the development of this topic, if the guesser will not take any action to change the current situation. Thanks to the information received, it will be possible to draw the right conclusions and develop plans for the future.

The divination of fortune telling The Celtic cross is not worth doing often, let alone asking the same question. The interpretation of tarot cards can be found in this article.