Reflux esophagitis - symptoms

How often most people get used to the unpleasant phenomena associated with the gastrointestinal tract. The presence of heartburn has already become a normal phenomenon in an adult. Unfortunately, this manifestation can sometimes be a symptom of such a disease as reflux esophagitis.

Reflux esophagitis - what is it?

Reflux refers to the return of the contents of a hollow organ (in this case, the stomach). Esophagitis is an irritation and, accompanying it, inflammation of the lower part of the esophagus by the emission of the contents of the stomach together with gastric juices. Because of the incompatibility of the alkaline environment of the esophagus and acidic gastric juice, with regular reflux, the development of the disease - reflux esophagitis begins. The most common signs of reflux can be observed in infants, which is due to the yet not completely formed neuromuscular device.

Half of the registered diseases of reflux esophagitis in adulthood is caused by hernia of the esophagus of the diaphragm - when there is a displacement of the abdominal organs, under pressure, into the thoracic region. Other possible causes may be obesity, eating disorders, addictions, regular overeating.

Reflux esophagitis in adults may be accompanied by such symptoms:

  1. Pain sensations in the chest that can be taken for heart pain. But, it is worth noting that the pain caused by reflux esophagitis does not disappear after taking Corvalol or Nitroglycerin, while a tablet for heartburn can remove an unpleasant symptom.
  2. Belching . Together with it, a partial regurgitation of food is possible.
  3. Signs of indigestion (heaviness in the abdomen, swelling) or indigestion (flatulence, nausea).
  4. Dysphagia - difficulty with swallowing food, sensation of a lump in the throat, atypical movement of food through the esophagus.
  5. Heavy breathing, coughing, problems with the pulmonary system - symptoms of reflux esophagitis, which are difficult to associate with the digestive system.

Chronic reflux esophagitis

Chronic reflux esophagitis, with a characteristic change in periods of exacerbation with periods of remission, can either be the result of an acute incomplete reflux of esophagitis, or develop against a background of alcoholism and the reception of rough, poor-quality food. Symptoms of reflux esophagitis in the chronic stage, with medical examination using X-rays, can be a malfunction of the mucous membranes of the esophagus, the appearance of ulceration and erosion. By the types of changes, reflux esophagitis can be:

As a rule, distal reflux esophagitis does not need medical treatment. For its disappearance it is enough to adjust the food, excluding fatty, fried, spicy, salty and smoked food. While other stages of the disease require skilled care with the use of medicines (analgesics and antacids). Pain sensations in the chronic course of the disease are almost absent or manifest during the reception of hot or spicy food. Also, this disease can accompany the development of gastritis.

Biliary reflux esophagitis

This type of esophagitis distinguishes the ejection into the esophagus not only of the contents of the stomach, but also of the bile produced by the duodenum. Such a diagnosis is often made against the background of liver disease, gallbladder or duodenum.

Symptoms that accompany biliary reflux esophagitis are as follows: