Colitis of the intestine - symptoms and treatment in adults

Inflammatory processes in the large intestine are usually called colitis. In fact, children and adults develop colitis with various symptoms and causes, the treatment of which requires an individual approach.

Symptoms of colitis in adults

The ulcerative form of colitis has specific features:

Symptoms of allergic colitis in adults are significantly different:

Symptoms of chronic colitis in adults:

Symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis:

This difference in symptoms is due to the causes of the disease. For example, allergic colitis is caused by an irritant. Most often it becomes a food product. In the presence of ulcerative colitis, the cause usually lies in the infectious process or in changes in the bacterial balance. The exact cause of chronic colitis has not yet been identified, and the pseudomembranous form can develop as a result of frequent use of antibiotic drugs.

Treatment of intestinal colitis in adults

Naturally, the program for the treatment of colitis in adults is developed depending on the symptoms and causes of the pathology.

When identifying symptoms of ulcerative colitis in an adult, treatment includes correction of the diet. From the menu, foods rich in fiber are excluded. Drug therapy is prescribed depending on the patient's condition. Use drugs with acetylsalicylic acid, immunosuppressors, corticosteroids, antibiotics. With a complicated form, resection of the large intestine is performed.

Chronic form of colitis, like ulcerative, is treated with antibiotics. After the normalization of the stool, the intestinal microflora is restored, and vitamin therapy is used. It is also necessary to comply with a specially developed diet number 4, excluding injuries to the inflamed intestine with coarse food and not allowing fermentation.

Treatment of allergic colitis is primarily aimed at identifying the allergen. In addition to food, this reaction can lead to intolerance of a specific strain of bacteria or a drug drug.

Treatment of pseudomembranous colitis in adults includes a diet based on diet number 4, the abolition of antibiotic drugs. Since the main cause of this form of pathology is Clostridium difficile, "not indifferent" to antibiotics, after the withdrawal of drugs the condition should stabilize. If the symptoms do not disappear - carry out etiotropic treatment with correction of the intestinal microflora, use injections with metronidazole, to which the bacterium is most sensitive.