Potato planter for motoblock

It's not for nothing that potatoes received the title of "second bread" in the post-Soviet space - the popularity of this product beats all imaginable and unthinkable records. Moreover, if at least one crop is left unprotected, then with a probability of 99.9% in the near future it will be planted with potatoes. Therefore, it is absolutely logical that the interest in adaptations facilitating the planting, care and collection of this root is always at a high point. We want to introduce you to one of these devices - the potato- squeezers for the motoblock, today.

The principle of the potato planter for the motoblock

First, let's figure out how the usual potato planter works. With the help of a special plow, she makes furrows on the bed, where the potato planter of the tubers is pre-loaded into the hopper at equal intervals. Then the hirers come into the business, quickly and accurately covering the furrows with earth. Thus, for one pass, a motor-block with a potato-leaner performs all the operations necessary for planting potatoes on a bed. Rotary or rotary potato planter for the motor block is structurally somewhat different from the usual: it does not have a bunker and there is a support wheel. Working with such a device occurs as follows: for the first pass in the ground, grooves are cut into which fertilizers and tubers are manually stacked, and then the truck with potatoes makes a passage in the opposite direction, having made a 180 degree turn with a special mechanism. Thus, it becomes clear that the negotiable models are more adapted to work on household plots with small landings, but for farms they should not be bought.

Types of potato planers for motoblock

The current market for devices to automate the planting of potatoes is represented by a number of devices, the main differences between which are as follows:

  1. The shape of the bunker . On sale it is possible to find models with a round (conical) or square (rectangular) bunker. In principle, the shape of the bunker does not have a particular effect on the performance of the potato planter, being more a feature of the design of each particular manufacturer.
  2. The mechanism of feeding potatoes. Blades or plates that pick up potatoes from a bunker can be attached to a tape or chain. The belt mechanism makes the planter more expensive, but lacks the chain defects - it vibrates less and does not drop the potatoes back into the hopper. The blades themselves can vary insignificantly in shape and size. The most successful option is sufficiently deep and looking like a basket of blades.
  3. Transport wheels . Some models of planters besides working (drive) have also transport wheels, which greatly facilitate both the process of moving the potato planter from the storage to the site, and the turn of this unit at the end of each passed series.
  4. Setting up a potato planter for a motoblock . The device of many models allows to change operating parameters, for example, to change the distance between the planted potatoes. This is achieved by replacing the asterisks through which the drive chain passes. The plow or furrow cutter can also be adjusted in at least two positions, obtaining a different depth of planting (5 and 10 cm). Hillers in most models can be installed in different positions, adjusting for height and width.
  5. Dimensions of potato planter for motoblock. Weight potato planers can range from 25 to 45 kg, and the distance between the wheels is 40-70 cm.