Cheshin - causes

Itching is a sign of many diseases. But do not worry and immediately go to the doctor if your stomach is itching - the reasons for such unpleasant sensations are not always related to the presence of a dangerous disease in the body. Sometimes this discomfort is easily explained from the point of view of physiology.

At what diseases is the stomach tingling?

The most common causes of a condition in which a person's skin is scratched on his stomach are:

  1. Psoriasis is a disease that is characterized by the appearance of skin itching and specific eruptions. Most often it develops after prolonged stress, strong emotional tension or because of malnutrition.
  2. Herpes - with this disease, itching and rashes in the form of small bubbles with fluid appear first on the stomach, and then on the back.
  3. Diseases of the liver and kidneys - in rare cases, itching on the abdomen is a symptom of gestosis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis.
  4. Allergic reaction - this condition can be accompanied by rashes, lacrimation and drowsiness. A similar reaction of the body can occur on any substances (animal hair, food, home dust, food, medicines, synthetic clothing).
  5. Secondary syphilis - skin itching in the abdomen is one of the symptoms of such a disease. It is accompanied by the appearance of elements of rashes of various sizes and shapes.

The reason that on the abdomen in women there are pimples that are strongly itchy, can also be scabies . The rash spreads very quickly over the skin. Itching during scabies is significantly worse at night.

Why does the stomach ache in healthy people?

If you have a feeling that the stomach is itching inside, most likely the reason for this condition is that stretch marks appear on the skin. This problem is most often faced by women who have gained weight sharply, and pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. In pregnancy a strong itching on the abdomen is due to the fact that the uterus rapidly increases in size and the skin is stretched more and more.

A common reason for itching the bottom or upper abdomen is sweating or irritation of the skin. Such states can be caused by:

As a rule, itching occurs in hot weather. Sometimes it is accompanied by the appearance of small bubbles with a clear liquid or small rash.