Herpes - incubation period

In humans, there are eight types of herpes viruses, which are transmitted mainly by contact-household, airborne, and sexual methods. Feature of viruses of herpes is that, having penetrated into an organism, they can be in it for a long time, not behaving in any way.

The incubation period of herpes 1 and 2 types on the lips, face, body

Herpes 1 type (simple) and 2 types (genital) are the most common. In primary infection with these types of virus, the incubation period before the onset of the first symptoms is from an average of 2 to 8 days, after which clinical manifestations appear in the form of rash, fever, headache, etc.

The incubation period of herpes of type 3

The third type of herpes virus causes, during primary infection, varicella, and in case of relapse - shingles. In adults, chickenpox can have an incubation period of 10 to 21 days, more often it is 16 days. The period from the transferred chickenpox to the activation of the virus in the body can take up to several decades.

The incubation period of herpes of type 4

This type of infection, also called the Epstein-Barr virus, causes various diseases, including infectious mononucleosis, herpangina, lymphogranulomatosis, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Central African lymphoma, etc. All these diseases have different manifestations that can occur 5 to 45 days after infection .

The incubation period of herpes of type 5

Human herpesvirus type 5 causes a cytomegalovirus infection that affects various internal organs. The period before the appearance of clinical signs can last from about three weeks to two months.

The incubation period of herpes of type 6

Herpes of the 6th type , which most people get infected as early as childhood, becoming infected with a sudden exanthema, gives manifestations after 5-15 days. Subsequently, the virus remaining in the body can become active (many years later), causing, according to many experts, such pathologies as multiple sclerosis, autoimmune thyroiditis, pink lichen, chronic fatigue syndrome. This type of herpes virus, as well as the 7 and 8 types, remains poorly understood.