Cefalgia of the brain - what is it manifested in?

Cephalgia of the brain is called pain syndrome, localized in the head region. Such painful sensations can affect different parts of the head (occiput, temporal region, forehead zone, etc.), have a different character (pressing, pulsating, intense, periodic, episodic, paroxysmal, etc.). Causes of cephalalgia can be very diverse, and sometimes experts are faced with a cephalgia of an unknown genesis. We will consider, in what the brain cephalgia is shown, and how it differs at some pathological conditions.

Chronic cephalalgia

With chronic cephalalgia, pain sensations are observed quite often, sometimes daily or continue uninterruptedly. In this case, in different cases, the pain can be characterized as dull, aching, pressing, etc. In some patients, pain sensations constantly change their nature, intensity and duration. Also, there are often comorbid symptoms, the most common of which are:

Post-traumatic cephalalgia

Post-traumatic cephalgia can develop immediately after a traumatic brain injury or some time after it and have a different duration. Such pain can be characterized by the following manifestations and concomitant symptoms:

Migraine headache

In this case, most patients complain of a sudden severe pain in the head of a pulsating, shooting character, which usually concentrates in one half of the head. In this case the pain can be amplified by the slightest movement, sound, bright light, a sharp odor. Other manifestations of migraine can be: