Infertility 2 degrees in women

The ability to give birth to a child is a gift sent to a woman from above. But, unfortunately, increasingly those who are actively planning a pregnancy, hears a diagnosis - infertility 2 degrees. It is put to those who already had a pregnancy, which ended in childbirth or was not tolerated. What is this state, which is called secondary infertility, and is it curable?

Causes of infertility of 2nd degree

  1. The most common reason that leads to the impossibility of pregnancy is the consequences of abortion. Numerous complications in the form of inflammatory processes, tissue scarring and violation of hormonal balance lead to a healthy woman losing the ability to be a mother.
  2. Various endocrine diseases, such as thyroid problems, ovarian dysfunction and many others, also often cause infertility of grade 2 in women.
  3. Inflammatory diseases after ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage, complications after severe labor - all this affects the reproductive function.
  4. Excess weight, or vice versa - its lack greatly affects the hormonal background and can cause infertility.
  5. Gynecological diseases - uterine myomas , polycystic ovaries, genital endometriosis and some other diseases.

Treatment of infertility of 2 degrees

Depending on the severity of the condition and the cause that caused infertility, appropriate treatment is prescribed. In some cases, it is only necessary to undergo anti-inflammatory therapy in order to cure the disease.

In cases with a problem weight, it is recommended that it be corrected with proper nutrition and exercise. It takes a while, but the result is worth it. If the cause of the inability to become pregnant is an adhesive process, then surgery is performed.