Can I get pregnant after an abortion?

For various reasons, many women have faced the need for abortion - and more often than not at will. It's no secret that any abortion is a blow to the reproductive health of a woman, which in turn creates certain difficulties for subsequent pregnancies.

Can I get pregnant after an abortion?

Yes, you can. And after the first abortion, you can get pregnant with a fairly high probability in the early period after scraping. This is due to the peculiarities of the female body - after all, he has already begun hormonal reorganization and adaptation to the bearing of the child, and this process was prevented by spontaneous or medical abortion. The body will try to recover in the shortest possible time and resume pregnancy as soon as possible. That's why they prescribe contraceptives after the abortion - both oral and vaginal - are selected individually for each woman.

After the abortion, you can become pregnant within two weeks, since the day of abortion in gynecology is considered to be the first day of a new cycle, and the uterine cavity is epithelialized already 10 days after the intervention. But doctors recommend to refrain from sexual intercourse at least 3 months after the abortion, this is due to the fact that the hormonal background of a woman after abortion undergoes significant disruptions, and time is needed to restore it, in order to avoid the recurrence of miscarriages, frozen pregnancies or chromosomal abnormalities the fetus in the future.

Pregnancy after medical abortion has its own peculiarities, since there is a need to observe the gynecologist before conception. The fact is that with a vacuum or surgical abortion, a scraping technique is used that inevitably thinens the walls of the uterus and leads to the threat of rupture of the uterus in childbirth even with normal fetal weight. In addition, after such an abortion, cervical closure is developing, which can lead to its premature opening and provoke premature birth . Sometimes, to prevent this complication, the cervix is ​​sutured with a special suture until the time of delivery, which helps prevent premature opening.

The probability of becoming pregnant after an abortion depends on many factors, among which:

The younger the woman at the time of the first abortion, the less her chances of an early pregnancy. The same applies to the number of abortions - with each subsequent abortion the chances of a successful pregnancy are reduced by 15-20%. Regarding the prescription of abortions - the greatest chances for a new pregnancy in a woman six months after the abortion, they increase if oral contraceptives are used. When taking hormonal contraceptives, ovarian functions are suppressed - they get a kind of "vacation". With the termination of contraceptive reception, more eggs are produced, they are produced faster, a kind of "explosion", which increases the chances of becoming pregnant, and even increases the likelihood of multiple pregnancies.

How quickly to become pregnant after an abortion?

Possible unprotected contact two weeks or a month after the abortion - but in this case the woman's body has not yet managed to restore the necessary strength, and such an early pregnancy in 70% of cases ends in a frozen pregnancy or miscarriage in the early term. That again cause irreparable harm to the health of women. Therefore, a gynecologist should be examined before planning a repeat pregnancy in order to avoid unnecessary risks and complications. However, it is worth recalling that all women who have had an abortion automatically fall into the risk group for miscarriage. Therefore, the most effective advice is to protect from unwanted pregnancy and its careful planning.