The vessel in the eye burst

Eyes - a very sensitive organ, reflecting the state of the whole organism. Any changes with the eyes suggest that with health, not everything is in order. In addition, if a vessel bursts inside the eye, the reddened squirrel looks unaesthetic, and this fact is very unpleasant, especially for women. In the case when the blood vessels in the eye burst, it is advisable to see a doctor who, if necessary, will prescribe a test. The performed tests will help to reveal why the vessel burst in the eye, and the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Causes of rupture of the vessel in the eye

In a significant part of the cases, the reasons for the bursting of the vessel in the eye and the eye hurts are associated with the physiological response of the organism to unfavorable conditions. The rupture of small vessels can cause:

The consequence of uncontrolled use of drugs that dilute blood, can also be that the vessel burst on the white of the eye.

In the case of hemorrhage in sclera, the use of firming drops is recommended:

Eye drops Natural tear and Vizin should be used when the eyes are not enough natural moisturizing, when they are in smoke-filled, dusty areas and work in stuffy rooms to prevent eye problems.

Diseases that cause vascular rupture of the eye

Often the cause of fragility of the vessels are such serious diseases as:

As experts warn, the increase in blood pressure, which manifests itself in the fact that the vessel burst and the eye turns red, is fraught with the possibility of a blood clot on the retina, which in turn can lead to visual impairment, and in neglected cases - to blindness. Therapy of the underlying disease under the supervision of a specialist prevents the formation of hemorrhage in the sclera.

Common ophthalmic diseases - conjunctivitis, keratitis are also a common cause of hemorrhages on sclera. With these diseases, symptoms such as discomfort, itching, and lacrimation are noted. These signs are a reason to call a specialist-ophthalmologist, as self-medication can lead to very sad consequences.

Sometimes the fact that the vessel bursts in the eye is a symptom of a lack of vitamins, mainly vitamin C. To prevent this, it is necessary to properly select a diet and systematically apply vitamin-mineral complexes.

Causes of the appearance of circles near the eyes

The thin and delicate skin around the eyes is permeated with tiny vessels. Their narrowing leads to blood clots and increased pressure on the vascular walls. It is when the vessels around the eyes burst, characteristic bruises are formed. To get rid of the circles, it is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and organize your daily routine to have enough time to stay in the fresh air and fully rest at night. It is also useful to massage problem spots with ice slices (it's best to use frozen parsley infusion) or apply fresh mugs to the eyes.