Delicious Adzhika for the winter

Most people prefer to complement meat dishes with ketchup , bought in the nearest market. However, such sauces are not at all useful, and not always tasty. Much better to the meat is a homemade adzhika - you will regulate the gravity of the sauce yourself, and there is no doubt about the benefits of this seasoning. In addition, this spicy seasoning advantageously shades the taste of the dish, increases appetite.

Further in the article we collected only the most original and unusual recipes of delicious Adzhika, which can be prepared for the winter.

Delicious Adzhika with apples - recipe for winter

This adzhika turns out to be less sharp, while the taste of the sauce will, of course, differ from the classical analogue. However, such adzhika can be made both light and gentle, and very sharp.



My apples, cut, take out the cores, cut the skin. My peppers, cut, remove all the seeds. Tomatoes and all vegetables we pass through a meat grinder. To make the sauce more homogeneous, it is better to use a blender or food processor. Clean and rub garlic. In the saucepan combine all vegetables, salt, add sugar, garlic and spices, finely chopped greens. Cook all together on low heat for 25 minutes. Then we pour on sterile jars, close tightly with a lid and let it cool. After we determine the preservation in the refrigerator.

Spicy Adzhika with Tomatoes



We are good at washing tomatoes, sweet peppers and chilies, and we clean garlic and horseradish. Peppers cut and remove seeds and septa - especially carefully in hot pepper. Horseradish rubbed on a medium grater, tomatoes and peppers are scrolled through a meat grinder, garlic is ground, salt and sugar are ground in a mortar with seeds, until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Mix everything together and place on small sterile jars.

Tasty and quite sharp adzhika from tomatoes is ready, the recipe of which is simple and to keep it for the winter too, it is possible, having defined in the refrigerator.

How to cook a delicious Adzhika for the winter?

And how to do without an unconventional prescription. With this sauce, you can perfectly dilute your shelves with blanks in the pantry.



Zucchini turn into puree or grate on a fine grater. Obtain the resulting vegetable mass and put it in a colander, to drain the excess juice. Pound the garlic cloves into the pasta and add to the squash. Put the container with Adzhika on the fire and cook for 30 minutes, previously adding tomato paste. After a lapse of time, add sugar and vinegar to the zucchini, leave everything for another two minutes and pour on sterile containers.

Delicious Adzhika from pepper without tomatoes



After peeling the peppers, grind them in a food processor with vinegar, garlic and spices. Once the mass becomes uniform, pour it over sterile containers and cover it well with a good lid. Keep in the refrigerator until you need it.