How to stop comparing yourself with others?

Sometimes, comparison is a great tool. In life, very often something is compared: home appliances, products, etc. All this makes it possible for a person to make the right choice. But, how do you stop comparing yourself to other people? Why do so many people do and is it right?

How to stop comparing yourself with someone and why we do it?

If each of us plunges into childhood, it becomes clear that it was at that time that close people made such terrible mistakes - they compared us to other children, put someone as an example. But, it's completely wrong! In childhood, everyone understood that he could not be like another, because he had completely different talents , but it was difficult to explain to the adult, and the child did not understand how to do it.

Many already in adulthood do not know how to begin to appreciate themselves and how to stop comparing themselves with others and stop envying the success of others, if you can achieve everything yourself.

And what is the result?

An adult is a direct reflection of his childhood. Such a child's habit of comparisons brings only disappointment, anger and no one needs depression . In the event that a person faces a huge heap of troubles, then, naturally, he really wants to find the reason for all this. Of course, it's very bad that an adult does not understand how to stop comparing himself with others, but at the same time look more successful, better and higher.

Comparison with yourself

Most of the women faced the problem that a girlfriend or a neighbor has a better dress, she is smarter or has a more prestigious job. But, how to stop comparing yourself to other women and stay above them? The only thing that needs to be done is to find in oneself the very best qualities that others do not have.

Naturally, everyone is still very far from perfection, but the comparison must be conducted only with yesterday and only with oneself. Every evening you can think about how the day went. It is also necessary to look at the positive qualities that have manifested themselves and thus improve daily.