How to cause a conscious sleep?

A conscious dream is a special condition in which a person is in an active phase of sleep, i.e. sees an event, but at the same time can control what happens in a dream. Thus, conscious sleep is controlled by that boundary of brain activity, when the unconscious goes into the conscious. Sometimes such unusual conditions happen to a person without any effort, but in order to master the technique and constantly bring forth conscious dreams, long training is needed.

Thanks to a conscious sleep, a person can get rid of phobias , i.e. from the dangers that are firmly entrenched in his subconscious. This technique of influence resembles hypnosis, but without the participation of a second person (therapist), who directs the hypnotic state and helps the subconscious to lose the whole situation to the end and get rid of phobias. Also, with a conscious dream, you yourself lead the vision in the right direction, knowing that it is just a dream, and you can invent anything.

But nature is designed in such a way that you will think only of those states that disturb you in reality. For example, having a fear of water, you can imagine how to bathe in a huge lake, draw all the situations of what you are afraid of (a big wave - but it will gently lift you and lower it, a huge fish - that floats nearby, and you can still stroke it and .). The same thing you can lose with aerophobia - imagine that you fly at a high altitude and gradually learn to relax at this moment - often seeing in a dream that all your flights are successful, you will soon be able to safely board the real aircraft.

What is a conscious dream?

In a conscious dream, you yourself create your visions, guide them along the path that you have chosen. In a conscious dream, you know how to realize that you are sleeping and at the same time invoke different landscapes in your imagination, the appearance of heroes or familiar faces, and you can always wake up in your own way.

People who know how to see conscious dreams begin to confuse reality and sleep, and then experience some experiences - how to define them in a dream, or in reality, if the first is like the second. Paying attention to the small details of what is happening around, you can always determine whether you are awake in the dream realm. Look at your reflection in the mirror - if it changes, then you are asleep. Try to remember what was a minute ago - for sure you will be able to do it only in reality. Another feature of sleep is the ability to approach distant objects, but in life they have to go and move eyes can not be.

How to see conscious dreams?

To see a conscious dream in which pictures will be identical to the surrounding real objects, you can spontaneously without any effort. But such phenomena are extremely rare and are repeated only a few times in a lifetime. Systematically, you can cause conscious dreams when you master the technique of controlling a small part of your subconscious mind, which is responsible for the sleep phases.

If you have set yourself the goal , how to learn to see conscious dreams, start mastering any of the techniques of moving from wakefulness to sleep. The ability to move in your mind as if in reality, but at the same time remain motionless in place, you learn at the time of the waking up. That is, as soon as you wake up, try to imagine and feel what is happening around you. For example, imagine that you have a familiar object in your hand - a pen or phone and concentrate consciousness on this thing.

When your subconscious mind can focus data on a familiar object and transfer information to a conscious zone, you will feel the pen. Then try to "feel" it and imagine everything that happens with the object.

After you manage to master the subconscious and manipulate intangible objects, try moving to another room. Imagine with utmost precision what is happening in your room, and then in the next - what color are the patterns on the carpet, what figures are the hands of the clock and how they move, how the curtains are swaying, etc. Gradually you will learn to recognize the different themes of sleep and move to any distance, play different situations.