Sensible dreams - practice

In a dream, often surprising and unthinkable events occur. But most people do not realize that they are in the power of Morpheus. There are exceptions, when the sleepers comprehend the cause of the bizarre phenomena that are occurring and the result is the realized dreams.

Convinced that the perceived universe is only the fruit of their imagination, "consciously" sleeping can influence their own dreams. They can change and create objects, situations, their worlds, surrounding people and themselves. By the parameters of objective reality, they can impossible.

The world of lucid dreaming opens up more practical possibilities than reality in all its manifestations. You can if you want to visit the magic countries, fly directly to the stars, travel to other worlds. Through conscious dreams, personal problems can be solved: self-development, healing, comprehension of the work of ancient teachings or modern psychologists who believe that such dreams help to understand one's self and to know its essence.

The increased interest in lucid dreaming is due to the fact that they bring bright and delightful experiences, and also can improve the quality of life outside sleep. To many practitioners, the knowledge and experience gained in such dreams helped to take more from life.

Despite the fact that lucid dreaming is only at the primary stage of research, most people can apply them without risk. It is not necessary to use them only for those who are not able to share a real and imaginary world. The rest, the practice of lucid dreams only for the good.

Technique of lucid dreaming

There are several ways to enter into a conscious dream. To be able to realize yourself during sleep, you need to sleep well before the experiments, so that the body and the brain are well rested. The better your consciousness rests, the greater the chance that you will realize that you are asleep. Full rest is an important component in the technique of lucid dreaming.

Very good practice helps to keep a journal, which records all the dreams that you dreamed of. When you regularly record everything that was dreamed, you will be able to track which subjects you see more often and in what situations you find yourself usually in dreams. This will eventually help you to realize that you are in the realm of dreams, when the familiar situation is repeated.

Learn by conscious dreams, will help and another way. In order to understand in time that you are asleep, throughout the day, periodically ask yourself: "Is it a reality or a dream?" To check the reality of what is happening, try to take off or poke your finger with your finger. The same actions repeat in a dream, to be convinced of the unreality of what is happening.

The scenarios of your actions in such a dream are of great importance in the practice of lucid dreams. Ponder in advance what you want to do, make a plan and write it down somewhere. Re-read this record periodically, but better learn it. Realizing that you are sleeping, most likely you immediately remember the plan and easily implement it.

It is very useful to repeat throughout the day: "Today I will have a conscious sleep!". This will help your mind to prepare for lucid dreams. Practice will be a good help for the correct and fast entry into such a state.

A good method of entering into a conscious dream is the technique of interrupting sleep, after which the person falls asleep again with the thought that now he must immerse himself in a conscious dream. It is best to set an alarm clock before going to bed so that he will wake you up in five hours. As soon as you wake up, drink coffee, then lie down again. Try to fall asleep within an hour, continuously convincing yourself that now you will see a conscious dream, while mentally repeating the plan of action in it.

Over time, your body will tell you the best way to master the practice of lucid dreaming.