What is personality - the psychology of personality and all that is associated with it

What is a person - the minds of ancient philosophers and thinkers tried to determine what in a person there is such that it can be described as a given phenomenon, as it has long been known that a person is not born, but becomes. The Russian poet V. Bryusov spoke of the personality as the uniqueness of each person in external similarity with others.

What is a person's personality?

What is a person - the definition of this concept is multifaceted and can be as follows: "personality" - the carrier of the individual principle, revealing itself in interaction with the society and developing in communication with others. What is a full-fledged personality? To be such a person - involves entering into a relationship and fulfilling your social roles, respecting people and seeing in everyone a person.

The concept of personality in psychology

The term "personality" personality comes from the lat. persona - a mask worn by the actor of the ancient Greek theater. It turns out that a person is a kind of "mask" that a person wears when he goes into society. This definition gave rise to different socially desirable characteristics by the following criteria:

What is personality in psychology - different directions of psychology explain and see "personality" based on the framework of their theory, but on the whole this concept can be described as follows:

Structure of personality in psychology

Personality theories in psychology have faced the problems of the structuring of the personality and the underlying psychological traits, of which there are many, complicated by the controversy of psychologists of different trends about the correlation of social and biological factors in human individuality ; therefore, the classification of the personality structure is somewhat and each complements and illuminates the already existing .

Personality structure by K.K. Platonov consists of 4 substructures:

  1. Biopsychic - instincts, temperament, gender and age properties.
  2. Psychological - individual features of cognitive processes, expressions of emotions and feelings.
  3. Social - a growing experience of interaction with society, the acquisition of specific skills and abilities.
  4. Motivational - the direction of the individual, which includes the worldview and worldview, beliefs and principles, interests and positioning oneself.

Structure of the personality of Freud:

  1. Id (Ono) - instinctive, innate biological aspects functioning in the unconscious (eating, sleeping, sex). Id is an impulsive, irrational psychic energy.
  2. The ego (I) grows out of the Eid and seeks to realize the desires that come from it. The ego is responsible for making decisions and mediates between Id and the society in which the restrictions operate. The ego relies on the reality principle and seeks the realization of desires in accessible ways.
  3. The superego (the Self above ) is cultivated in the process of socialization - the moral and ethical component of the personality includes conscience and the ego-ideal. Conscience is formed under the influence of parents, punishing for disobedience, and the ego-ideal grows, on the contrary - from approvals.

Types of personality in psychology

The typology of the personality in psychology is built on the allocation of certain features characteristic of the individual. Classifications and subdivisions into types are also many, it is important to remember that all divisions are conditional and reflect only the average value, so there are no pure types, a person sees himself in the described criteria in something more that fits his personal descriptive characteristic, in some way less.

Type of personality by temperament (founder of Hippocrates):

Types of personality Holland:

Characteristics of personality in psychology

What is an identity if I describe it in properties? Fundamentals of personality psychology describe properties as stable phenomena of the psyche, which affect human activity and characterize it from the socio-psychological side. The properties of a person are:

Methods of studying personality in psychology

The problem of personality in psychology arose from the fact that all methods show only averaged value, and each study has its pros and cons. The personality of a person is multifaceted and can not be squeezed into any specific framework, which is set by different methods, tests and research, so the task of identifying them is inclinations, abilities, and characteristics.

Methods of personality research:

  1. Observation . The natural is realized in real life situations. Field - assumes the conditions of the experiment within a specific task.
  2. Interrogation (interview) . Structured - special questionnaires, unstructured based on open questions, encourages more to talk about themselves .
  3. Standardized tests . The study of qualities is based on answers to questions about the test ("yes", "no", "I do not know").
  4. Experiment . The method is used more often in a group and always pursues a specific task, for example, the study of personality in a conflict situation.
  5. Correlation method . Establishing relationships between variables. The method helps to identify the relationships and answer the questions posed.
  6. Projective methods . Their varied number: picture and associative tests, the method of unfinished phrases.

What is personality development?

What is a strong personality - this question is set by people who embarked on the path of self-improvement and knowledge, who decided to achieve their goals. Personality development begins in childhood and depends on the cultivation and stimulation of certain qualities in a person, this process is based on education and training. The harmonious personality develops comprehensively: physically, intellectually, morally and spiritually.

What is the socialization of the individual?

Personality psychology is inextricably linked with socialization, which represents the mutual process of assimilation by the individual of norms, rules, prescriptions and values ​​of the society and the influence of the individual on society in the form of various transformations and the personal growth of one's own values. What is the social status of a person is a factor that plays a big role in human socialization, denoting its inclusion in a particular social group, or society - there can be many statuses.

What is personality disorder?

The psychology of a person's personality would not be complete if only his full, harmonious development were affected. For a number of reasons, there is a deviation from the norm, considered by psychiatrists as a disorder or psychopathology. Sometimes the concepts of norm and pathology are blurred. The personality disorder leads to social disintegration and the destruction of the personality structure.

What is a split personality

Dissociative disorder or multiple personality - psychopathology, in which several persons coexist in the human body at once. An example is the well-known Billy Milligan, who "possessed" 24 individuals, two of whom behaved antisocially. What is a split personality - the symptoms:

What is the degradation of personality?

Personality abilities in psychology presuppose its development, corresponding to inherent natural features and talents. A full-fledged personality is always in the process of development. What is the personality in the process of degradation? Degradation is a pathological process of regression of skills, abilities, functions, impoverishment of emotions and feelings. Develops slowly, the final stage of degradation is marasmus . Causes: