Human inner world

How does each of us differ from others? It would seem that we all have the same number of chromosomes, each of us experiences both positive and negative emotions. So what is the difference and why we have such misunderstandings so often between us, this is the main question of our article.

The inner world of personality is the psychic reality of a person, the organized content of his psyche, containing in himself all aspects of the conscious spiritual life of the individual and his spiritual energy. The inner spiritual world is the initial creation of cultural values ​​and their further preservation, dissemination. This concept is a kind of verbal metaphor that defines virtual reality, which is modeled by the interaction of neurons in the brain.

Psychology of the inner world of man

In the modern world, the soul is a synonym for the inner world, although this is not quite so. The expansion and development of the spiritual world can occur very rapidly, while the soul can remain unchanged.

Structure of the peace of mind

The rich inner world of personality is formed with the help of components of the spiritual structure of the world.

  1. Cognition is the need to know something about yourself and the meaning of your life, your role in this society and about what is going on around us. It is this property of our thinking that shapes our intellectual platform for further development, trains the ability to receive new information based on what has already been known.
  2. Emotions are personal experiences about everything that happens to us, some phenomena or events.
  3. Feelings are emotional states that differ from emotions by greater persistence and duration over time. Also, feelings have a strong expression of an objective nature, in other words a special focus on what or whom.
  4. A worldview is a key aspect in the study of the inner world of man. This is a combination of views on life, values ​​and moral principles of their own, so the people around you.

The world view plays a significant role in the destiny of man, because it is thanks to him that we have vital guidelines and goals for practical activity. It also allows each woman to identify for herself the main vital and cultural values. The development of the inner world occurs through the perfection of all its above-presented constituents. Do not forget that the development of the worldview depends on the life path that you have already passed, while the spiritual aspects of cognition can be formed and expanded from the moment of thinking about oneself as a person.

Gender differences in mental organization

The actual topic for discussion today is the difference in the construction of the inner world of a girl and a guy. For women, the moral values ​​and ideology of the partner plays a much more important role than for men. Strong sex is more focused on the perception of the external characteristics of the companion. The women's mental organization is very fragile and unstable, no matter what she possesses character traits. To prevent injuries to the inner world, resulting from conflicts with men, women should remember that the opposite sex takes a more superficial view of our personality, therefore everything that happens does not take "as much to heart" as you do.

The main problem of the inner world is that even today we do not know much about the principles of its functioning, since there is no tool for studying the motivationally-volitional sphere of our activity. Perhaps in the future, such a device will be invented, and we will be able to get rid of unholy thoughts and negative emotions forever.