Fairy tale therapy for children and adults as a method of psychological correction

Throughout the centuries, the older generation told juniors tales, epics, all manner of parables, etc. At the same time, they remain not only a means of entertainment and leisure, but also the transfer of life experiences, rules of conduct and foundations that have developed in society. Tale therapy is also a method of treatment.

Fairy tale therapy - what is it?

This is a method that allows developing creative abilities in a person, expanding consciousness, learning to interact constructively with the surrounding world and overcome internal fears and complexes. Fairy tale therapy as a method of psychological correction was studied by many well-known psychologists - Freud, Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, Lisina, Vachkov, etc. A fairy tale is of particular importance for a child, because the epic story told in time can have the same effect as psychological counseling for an adult.

Fairy tale therapy in psychology

Treating a fairy tale helps a professional to solve his daily tasks. Fairy tale therapy in psychotherapy is not just a special direction, but it includes the achievements of pedagogy, psychology, psychotherapy, philosophy and traditions of many cultures. The most diverse problems of children and adults - aggression, isolation, phobias, fears and others are amenable to fairy tale correction. A special role in psychological influence is played by a metaphor. From the accurately matched metaphor, the effectiveness of the narcotic therapy depends.

At the same time, for each client, a genre appropriate to its problem is selected: detective story, love story, fantasy, legend, epic, myth, etc. When working with a child, there is no need to analyze anything and draw conclusions: the work takes place on a subconscious, inner level. In this case, the specialist eliminates not the symptoms of the problem, but the very reason for this is the main advantage of fairy-tale therapy.

Fairy tale therapy - types of fairy tales

Tales divided into genres, for individual children's problems, etc. The following types of skazko-therapy are distinguished:

E.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva includes in this list also folk, artistic, author's folk inventions. By popular myths and legends, in which magic and miracles contribute to spiritual development , animals bring up compassion, and all sorts of horror stories help prepare and persistently endure life's misery. Artistic works contain all the experience and achievements of past generations, and authors' inventions help those who have lost hope and do not see a way out of this situation.

Psychological tales

Such types of fairy tales assume the following functions:

  1. Raise the child. Through the heard, the kid learns to live in society, adopts the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society, assimilates moral imperatives.
  2. Psychological tales for adults teach responsibility, endurance in the face of adversity, caring for others. After all, in such stories, good always conquers evil, but the protagonist has to work hard to make the truth triumph.
  3. They are a tool for the normative - narrative. In this case, the listener puts a story about someone else's life on the script of his own, which forms the correct model of behavior.
  4. Psychotherapy. Tale therapy helps a person get rid of problems, phobias and fears .

Psychotherapeutic tales

These stories reveal the profound meaning of the events, help to look at the situation from a different angle. They do not always have a happy ending, but the meaning is invariably penetrating and perceptive. Such methods of fairy-tale therapy make a person think about the meaning of life, attitude to relatives and their second half, problems of death and being, etc. The specialist uses such stories in those cases when other psychological techniques do not give a result. By philosophizing on the chosen topic, you can achieve the desired effect.

Psycho Corrective Tales

The method helps the child to realize his problem and find a constructive way out of it. When creating a story, it is based on an identical problem, but not directly similar to the one already available. During the narrative, a substitute experience is emerging, which the psychologist offers the child to solve his problem. Those who are interested in what kind of fairy tales the expert uses, you can answer that in the story the protagonist always faces the same problem as the child. As a result, he finds the right decision, copes with difficulties and draws a lesson from his actions.

Meditation tales

Already by name it is easy to understand that such stories are akin to meditation. They are read, creating certain conditions: by muffling the light, including the music suitable for relaxation and taking a comfortable pose. This method of skazkoterapii allows you to fully immerse yourself in the process to accumulate a positive imaginative experience, get rid of psycho-emotional stress and create a better model of relationships, develop a personal potential. A distinctive feature of this kind of fairy tales is the complete absence of evil heroes and conflicts.

Didactic tale

This type is the most simple and unobtrusive. It is often used when working with preschool children and junior schoolchildren. Methods skazkoterapii in this case, pursue the goal to give the child some new skill, knowledge or skill. To fix the result helps a small task that the kid does at home. Didactic tales can be designed for adults, for example, talk about the need to protect themselves. But mostly they are used in relation to children, helping to learn courtesy and tact, to master the rules of the road, etc.

Fairy tale therapy for adults

You can work with a fairy tale in many different ways:

  1. Discuss the already existing epic.
  2. Write a fairy tale yourself.
  3. To dramatize an already written story. That is, play it like a theater.
  4. Express your emotions with paper, brush and paints.

Fairy tale therapy as a method of psychocorrection pays great attention to writing, so-called client tales. In this case, the story itself is written in three stages:

  1. Slowdown . This creative process is designed to calm and set the person to write a story. The psychologist can offer him a little distraction and draw a picture, perform an application or work with clay. Tune in helps and reading a specially selected tale.
  2. Writing a story . Fairy tale therapy is a direct transfer to the paper of your emotions, feelings, experiences expressed in the form of magical creativity.
  3. Reading the story, the end . At this stage, the client reads his story to the specialist, and afterwards they together understand what the story is about, what the person wanted to say.

Examples of fairy tales for adults:

  1. The Tale of a Happy Star.
  2. A Tale of the Triune State.

The psychology of the victim is skazkoterapiya for adults

There are a lot of manuals and techniques that use fairy tale therapy as a help to people with attitudes toward behavior of the victim. Such a fairy tale therapy for women is of special interest. The well-known author M. Odintsov so called her book: "Psychology of the victim. Fairy tale therapy for adults ยป. In her work, she explains the very concept of "victim", describes how such a behavior model suppresses personal potential, not allowing to develop and grow. The purpose of fairy tale therapy is to overcome defeatist psychology and to enter a new - constructive level of life creativity.

Fairy tale therapy - self-confidence

Unconfident people are simply not very informed, because uncertainty is ignorance. However, directly dictate the rules of conduct and say: "Do this and do it", it is impossible, because it will cause a backlash. Fairy tale therapy with adults and young children is to encourage a person to change. A fairy tale does not impose anything and does not dictate, but simply offers various ways of solving the problem.

Fairy tale therapy in business

The practice of fairy tale therapy is bearing fruit not only in education, psychology, but also in professional activities. On all sorts of trainings and seminars, specialists cite as an example tales that teach to communicate with colleagues and partners. The relevance of fairy tale therapy remains high, because it is a powerful tool for doing business. Fairy tales illustrate the basic principles of teamwork, help to understand the destructiveness of techniques of manipulation, etc. With their help, you can form a personal and team brand, promote your product or service on the market.

Fairy tale therapy - books

Popular publications include:

  1. "Fairy Tale Therapy: Developing Self-Consciousness Through a Psychological Tale" Vachkova . His books on fairy tale therapy are intended for teachers, psychotherapists, students. They help develop potential abilities, realize a dream, acquire knowledge that will help in life.
  2. "Fairy tales and fairy tales" by D. Sokolov . The book was written by a therapist by profession and a storyteller by life. The stories told are based on psychological theories and psychotherapeutic techniques, which the author has worked on himself. Many of them were used in real therapeutic work with patients.
  3. "Psychotherapeutic tales and games" Chernyaeva . The publication contains fantastic stories and methodological recommendations for working with them. Examples of works and descriptions of games that can be used in psychotherapy are given. Fairy tale therapy can help parents who have problem children, psychologists, teachers, etc.