Camphor oil

Camphor oil is obtained from the roots and wood of the Japanese laurel. There is a brown and white oil from this plant. The latter is subjected to more thorough processing and is used in medicine and cosmetology. The properties of camphor oil allow you to treat various diseases and eliminate problems with skin and hair. Consider this healing product in more detail.


Camphor oil for hair

This product restores the balance of the scalp, improves blood circulation, thereby strengthening hair follicles. In addition, camphor oil has an antiseptic effect and helps cope with inflammatory diseases.

Camphoric oil is also a source of vitamins for the hair, it will help make them healthy and shiny, increase the volume and density.

Camphor oil for the face

Bactericidal properties make this oil a real panacea in the treatment of problem skin. It stops inflammations, dries out the rashes and prevents their further occurrence. In addition, camphor oil normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and locally increases blood circulation. It is also worth noting that the oil in question is useful for aging and mature skin as a rejuvenating agent and giving skin tone to the skin.

Camphor oil for eyelashes

A mixture of castor and camphor oils will help in the strengthening of eyelashes. This drug should be used every day, after making a test for an allergic reaction. Camphor oil will eventually make the eyelashes thicker and longer, strengthen them and protect them from the harmful effects of the external environment.


Camphor oil for otitis

Otitis is characterized by inflammation of the external or middle ear. This disease is accompanied by severe pain and itching in the auricle. Camphor oil perfectly helps with otitis for the removal of symptoms:

In addition, you can put in your ear a thin cotton-wool cylinder, soaked in oil, for the whole night.

This tool will quickly relieve the pain syndrome, stop inflammation and remove excessive swelling. It should be noted that camphor oil can be used in pregnancy to treat otitis, since it is safe and does not cause adverse reactions.

Camphor oil for mastopathy

Hormonal imbalance most often leads to diseases of the mammary glands, one of which is mastopathy. More than 70% of women of any age suffer from it. In folk medicine has long been practiced treatment of benign lesions in the chest with the help of camphor oil:

You can also simply lubricate or massage the breasts with camphor oil before bed.

Camphoric oil with lactostasis

During breastfeeding, sometimes the ducts of the mammary glands are clogged. Because of this, they accumulate milk, sour, and, as a consequence, the inflammatory process begins. Lactostasis is accompanied by aching pain and general weakness. Camphor oil is used to treat this disease and relieve symptoms: