Honey with diabetes mellitus

As you know, honey is the sweetest food for health. It is rich in vitamins and vital elements for the human body. But on the other hand, honey contains glucose and fructose, and these ingredients are undesirable in the diabetic menu.

Can I use honey in diabetes - doctors recommendations

Opinions of endocrinologists about the use of honey in diabetes mellitus diverge.

Against the use of honey

Most doctors tend to believe that honey should not be included in the diet of the patient. There are a number of good reasons for this:

  1. Honey on 80% consists of glucose, sucrose and fructose.
  2. This product is very high in calories.
  3. Honey has a rather heavy load on the liver.
  4. Bees are often fed with sugar, which further increases the amount of glucose in honey.

It is especially not recommended to use honey in type 2 diabetes, as well as any sugar-containing foods.

For the use of honey

A minority of specialists who believe that diabetes can eat honey, justify it with the following arguments:

  1. Honey contains vitamins B and vitamin C necessary for diabetics.
  2. The product contains more natural, untreated fructose.
  3. Honey is converted into liver glycogen and significantly affects the increase in blood sugar concentration than other sweets.

Moreover, there is even such a method as apitherapy - the use of bee products for the treatment of various diseases. Within the framework of this method, the treatment with diabetes mellitus is practiced. Long-term studies in this field of medicine have shown that the use of honey in the complex therapy of diabetes mellitus yields positive results:

Naturally, even taking into account the benefits of honey, diabetics need to limit its use. The maximum allowed dose is 2 tablespoons per day. In this case it is necessary:

It should be noted that a tablespoon of honey contains about 60 calories. Therefore, it is better to use half the daily dose from the very morning during breakfast (for example, with oatmeal porridge). You can also eat a tablespoon of honey on an empty stomach and drink a glass of water. It will give strength and vivacity for the whole day and provide the body with the necessary minerals. The remaining half of the daily dose of honey should be divided into 2 parts, the first of which is consumed during lunch with tea or herbal infusion. The last teaspoon of honey should be eaten before bedtime.

What kind of honey can I have with diabetes?

Strict restrictions on the choice of a variety of honey used in diabetes does not exist, it's a matter of personal taste. The only rule is that the product should be absolutely natural and qualitative, so honey is better to buy from trusted and conscientious beekeepers. If this is not possible, check the honey yourself:

  1. The consistency of the product should be homogeneous, without sugar lumps. Sometimes the seller claims that the honey is sugared. In fact, bees were fed sugar and this honey of poor quality.
  2. Honey should have a specific bitterish smell.
  3. Natural honey does not stain if it is an iodine solution.
  4. Also, high-quality honey is not colored under the influence of a chemical pencil.