Increases or lowers the pressure of karkade?

For sure, everyone tried the karkade tea - tasty and fragrant infusion of petals of the Sudanese rose, and many have heard about its various healing qualities. Among its useful properties can be distinguished antipyretic, spasmolytic, diuretic, antibacterial, restorative, etc.

However, many people who have problems with arterial pressure are interested in what benefit and harm can come from the use of karkade in this aspect. Therefore, in this article, we will try to find out whether the pressure of tea karkade raises or lowers, and whether it can be drunk with heper- and hypotension .

How does karkade affect pressure?

It turns out that the question of the impact of karkade on the level of blood pressure is controversial. Some experts believe that in a cold form, a drink made from karkade can reduce pressure, and in hot form it can be increased. Others (most) agree on the opinion that the use of karkade tea, regardless of its temperature, leads to a decrease in pressure.

The last point of view was confirmed by a study of American scientists who involved 65 people of various ages with arterial hypertension in the experiment. For one and a half months, patients used karkade tea, several glasses a day. The result of the study was a decrease in blood pressure in all patients, an average of 7%. At the same time, there was no talk about the temperature of the drink; for the study it did not matter.

There is also evidence that the substances that make up the petals of the Sudanese rose, contribute to strengthening the walls of blood vessels, increase elasticity and regulate their permeability, thereby stabilizing the level of blood pressure. Another carcade helps reduce cholesterol in the body, that is the prevention of the development of heart attacks and strokes. It is believed that this drink weakens the tone of the sympathetic nervous system, thereby reducing the vascular pressure, and that gives grounds to consider it to folk remedies with hypotensive effect.

Thus, hibiscus tea can be used as an additional remedy for traditional drugs prescribed at elevated blood pressure . At the same time, it can also be used in reasonable quantities and for those who suffer from low blood pressure, because the drink will promote its normalization.