Can the month begin with breastfeeding?

Traditionally, newly mummified mothers tell each other that during the lactation period the menstruation simply by definition will not, and therefore it is impossible to conceive under any circumstances. However, not everything is so simple, and the answer to the question, whether monthly can begin with breastfeeding, is ambiguous.

Menstruation during GW is true or myth?

Most women, if they are breastfeeding, do not remember the critical days after giving birth. This is due to the intensive production of the hormone prolactin, responsible for the production of maternal milk. This substance inhibits the production of progesterone, thanks to which the female body reproduces the eggs ready for fertilization. Accordingly, the menstrual cycle is not restored. Therefore, when women learn more about whether they can go monthly with breastfeeding, they stop expecting it.

But there are some nuances here: the appearance of menstrual bleeding in nursing mothers is not uncommon. If you are wondering if the menstrual period can start, the doctor will respond positively in the following cases:

  1. If you do not have enough milk and the pediatrician recommends supplementing you with a mixture, menstruation will most likely occur soon after birth.
  2. If the child is more than six months old and you give him a lure, that is, the number of mother-milk feeding and their duration has decreased, the restoration of the menstrual cycle will also become a reality. In this case, you do not even have to think about whether you can get menstruation while breastfeeding, and immediately prepare for it.
  3. If a woman has health problems associated with impaired prolactin production. This leads to serious infectious diseases, the intake of hormonal drugs, reduced immunity. In this case, there is no need to doubt whether the menstruation can begin while breastfeeding: soon they will definitely come.