Breast compaction in breastfeeding

When nursing a baby, young mothers face a wide variety of problems: little milk, the baby does not want to take the breast, the shape of the breast changes, etc. However, the greatest concern for them is the appearance of a tightening in the chest during breastfeeding. Let's consider this situation in detail, outline the main possible causes of such a phenomenon.

Because of what there is a condensation at a lactemia?

It is worth noting that in the vast majority of cases, women's suspicions are not justified. According to the statistics of studies of international centers for the promotion of healthy lifestyles and breastfeeding, often the compaction in the mammary gland with active breastfeeding develops as a result of an incorrect attachment of the baby to the breast.

In such cases, mothers note the deformation of the nipple almost immediately after the end of the act of sucking, the appearance of cracks on the nipples, tenderness in the chest. In the process of feeding the baby must deeply swallow the nipple, otherwise the milk ducts will be squeezed, which causes soreness, chest overfilling. Upon termination of process of reception of nutrition the mum should closely examine a breast - in norm or rate it soft, painless, and a nipple thus is a little extended forward.

In cases where a woman incorrectly applies the baby to the breast, the compaction appears alternately in the left or in the right breast.

The second most common cause of compaction in the breast during breastfeeding is blockage of the milk ducts, lactostasis. Often, with untimely taken measures, this disorder becomes mastitis, which is accompanied by reddening of the skin of the breast, increased body temperature, and soreness.

The reverse process, when milk is synthesized much more than the baby eats. As a result, the ducts expand, and the expansion develops in this place.

What should mom do if breastfeeding appeared in the breast?

It should be noted that with a properly organized process, this should not be. Therefore, if there is a blockage, stagnation, you need to seek medical advice from a doctor.

The woman herself can also help herself. First and foremost, doctors advise applying the baby first to a sick chest: this will help to eliminate stagnation. In the process of feeding, it is necessary to ensure that the grip of the gland is carried out correctly: the child must grasp not only the nipple, but also part of the halo.

If the baby is already full, and the milk is still left, it is necessary to express it. Otherwise, close to mastitis, which is very painfully tolerated by moms and can become an obstacle to breastfeeding.