Acute myeloblastic leukemia

Leukemia, which arises from the replacement of normal blood cells with unripe leukocyte precursors, was termed acute myeloblastic leukemia. Although this pathology is rare, the disease progresses rapidly and is difficult to treat. The risk of injury increases with age.

Acute myeloblastic leukemia - causes

Precisely establish the factors that contribute to the mutation of cells in the bone marrow, at the moment it was not possible. Possible causes of this violation include:

Classification of acute myeloblastic leukemia

According to the generally accepted medical system, the disease under consideration is divided into the following subtypes:

Acute myeloblastic leukemia - symptoms

At the very beginning of cell mutation, the disease does not manifest itself. After their excessive accumulation in bone marrow tissues, immature forms of leukocyte clones are carried by the bloodstream throughout the body and settle in the spleen, lymph node, liver and other organs.

The first stage of the disease is characterized by such signs:

As the replacement of healthy cells of internal organs and mucous membranes with clones transformed by a mutation, the following symptoms are noted:

In the second stage, without adequate medical care, a person usually dies due to internal hemorrhages.

Most often, the above stages of cancer development alternate, so the prognosis for diagnosis of acute myeloblastic leukemia is more likely to be positive with timely therapy. Wavy pathogenesis of the disease makes it possible to identify it at early stages through laboratory tests of blood and the concentration of characteristic constituents in it.

Treatment of acute myeloblastic leukemia

Like other types of cancers, leukemia requires chemotherapy consisting of two main stages:

Treatment is conducted by several courses with short breaks and simultaneous reception of medications that reduce inflammation. In addition, the recommended intake of vitamins, immunomodulators. Negative the effects of infiltration of organs by damaged cells are stopped by glucocorticosteroid hormones. In addition, they help suppress the activity of precursors of leukocytes and stabilize cell membranes.

One of the most effective ways of treating this type of blood cancer is bone marrow transplantation. This method involves the absolute replacement of dysfunctional tissue with a healthy one. Medical practice shows that more than half of patients in this case are cured completely.