Cocci in the smear

If cocci in a large concentration are found in the smear on the flora, treatment should immediately begin with a corresponding diagnosis. Infections caused by the active reproduction of these organisms can lead to the development of serious diseases and cancers.

Cocci in the smear - reasons:

  1. Prolonged use of antibiotics without the appointment of a doctor and taking medications to protect microflora.
  2. Insufficient or incorrect hygiene.
  3. Unprotected sex.
  4. Random sex life.
  5. Frequent syringing.
  6. Wearing uncomfortable underwear or products made of synthetic materials.
  7. Early onset of sexual activity.
  8. Use of non-disinfected items or dirty hands for masturbation.
  9. Oral and anal sex with a sick partner.

Cocci in the smear - the symptoms:

How does the reproduction of cocci occur?

In a normal microflora there are:

When the balance is broken, the mucous membranes and tissues become alkaline. Gram-positive cocci is added to the lacto- and bifidumbacteria and a high content of peptostreptococci in the cell structure is found in the smear. Gradually acidophilic lactobacillus perishes, the medium in mucous membranes becomes neutral or slightly acidic. This leads to the multiplication of bacteria and inflammatory processes of a different nature.

Cocci in the smear - the norm and the deviation

Normally, the analysis should show a large content of lactobacilli and Dodderlein sticks - 95%. Kokki and leukocytes in the smear should be no more than 5% or occur singly in the field of vision. Epithelial cells are also found in small amounts. The reaction of the medium is acidic, the pH value does not exceed 4.5.

Quite often cocci in the smear testify to the course of the inflammatory process and the presence of pathogens. At the same time, an increased content of leukocytes and a large number of epithelial cells are found. The reaction of the medium can be of three types:

  1. Neutral, the value of ph is up to 5.0.
  2. Low pH, up to 7.0.
  3. Alkaline, the ph value reaches 7.5.

Kokki in a smear from a nose and a pharynx

Mucous membranes of the nasopharynx are also constantly exposed to bacterial infections. With prolonged and severe course of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, a smear is applied to the flora from the throat or nose. The detection of coccal infections indicates the need to take antibacterial drugs (antibiotics) and conduct disinfecting physiotherapy procedures (quartz, inhalation, rinsing).

Complete interpretation of the smear analysis on flora and cocci can be made only by the attending physician. Although normative indicators are generally accepted, every organism is highly individual and exceeding a certain set number of cocci does not always mean infection or venereal diseases. When establishing the diagnosis, the number of other components of the microflora, their ratio, and the optimal values ​​of the acid-base balance are taken into account.