How to learn how to quickly fall asleep?

Conventionally, people can be divided into two categories: those who in the blink of an eye fall asleep and see sweet dreams and those who have already counted a hundred lambs and still continue to cause long-awaited dreams. Learning to quickly fall asleep is not so difficult as it seems at first, the main thing is to properly prepare for bed, following the recommendations below.

How to quickly fall asleep: the secret number 1

Scientifically proven that a person in whose mental health there are no violations, falls asleep, usually in 10-15 minutes. Sometimes the main cause of insomnia is a full stomach. Not everyone listens to the advice of nutritionists not to consume food after 6 pm. After all, if you eat 2-3 hours before bedtime, all the strength of the body will be spent not on the upcoming sleep, but on the digestion of food.

It will not be superfluous to note that it is not advised to fall asleep on an empty stomach. The golden mean is a light snack in the form of fruit, honey water or milk.

How to quickly fall asleep and sleep: secret number 2

The optimal time to go to bed is up to 24:00. It is from 23:00 to 03:00 the body, let's say, updates its resources. Moreover, a healthy dream gives not only a beautiful appearance, but also an excellent mood in the morning.

How to quickly fall asleep at night: secret number 3

Before going to bed it is recommended to fill the room with fresh air and walk yourself. If the day was filled with stress, various nervous loads, you should take a shower or a bath. The most important thing here is hot water. It is thanks to her that the muscles relaxed, which were so tense. And from the point of view of esotericism, water is capable of washing away all negative energy from the body.

How to learn how to quickly fall asleep: secret number 4

Try to relax. For this it would be nice to listen to relaxing music, do yoga , fill the aroma lamp with relaxing oils (for example, essential oil of orange).