Testosterone - the norm in women

Everyone knows that the hormonal background of a woman is more unstable than in men: from the monthly cycles, and ending with pregnancy. So ordered nature, that the concentration of hormones of the fairer sex with constant periodicity should change: for example, estrogen and progesterone, which are associated, first of all, with the reproductive function. If their number does not change, this indicates serious pathologies in the body.

Some hormones can be divided into masculine and feminine, but this does not mean that women are kept only in the blood of women, and males are only in the blood of men. For example, testosterone is available in both sexes, only in different concentrations.

If a woman has a problem with testosterone, this can lead to a deplorable result, because, despite the fact that it is a male hormone, it is important for maintaining the vital activity of the body. So, let's take a look at what testosterone is in women, and what happens to the body if testosterone is lowered or elevated, and what it can threaten.

What does the hormone testosterone for women answer?

In women, testosterone is produced in the ovaries under the influence of pituitary hormones. It is also produced in less quantity by the adrenal glands.

In the female body, this male hormone is responsible for the development of muscle mass, as well as the amount of fat deposits. Thus, testosterone helps a woman maintain the basic protective functions of the body, because fat is a kind of reserve of strength, which is put off in case of a stressful situation, and muscles contribute to activity. Another sphere of influence of testosterone in the body of a woman is libido. With his normal concentration, a woman is capable of experiencing sexual desires, with an increase in hypersexuality , and with a decrease in asexuality.

Women's testosterone

Scientists have found that the norm of testosterone concentration depends on the age of the woman - so, after puberty, it rises, after menopause - decreases, and during pregnancy the testosterone rate in pregnant women can grow 4-fold.

The rate of total and free testosterone in women

To establish the norm of the hormone testosterone in women, it needs to be clarified that physicians can explore two indicators:

Free testosterone is an indicator that indicates the concentration of a hormone in the body that is not attached to proteins for transportation.

Total testosterone makes it clear how much the total level of testosterone is - and tied to proteins, and free.

The rate of total testosterone for women is 0.26 - 1.30 ng / ml

The rate of free testosterone for women is estimated according to age:

When assessing the norm, it should be borne in mind that standards vary slightly between different laboratories.

If women testosterone is below normal

The low level of this male hormone makes itself felt:

If women testosterone is higher than normal

A high level of testosterone sometimes becomes an even greater problem for women than its lowered level, because in this If it becomes masculine:

Thus, the norm of testosterone level in women ensures normal health and full functioning of the body. Hormonal disorder can occur with endocrinological diseases, stress, and genetic predisposition.