A hangover - what to do?

A hangover is a condition that occurs in a person after taking a large amount of alcoholic beverages. It is accompanied by dry mouth , nesobrannostyu, weakness, headache, red eyes. In severe cases, a person experiences nausea, tremors, trembling in the body, loss of appetite and sleep, apathy and photophobia.

There is a hangover due to the fact that ethanol causes an increased diuresis - the formation of urine, and this leads to headache, fatigue and dehydration.

The second factor in the appearance of a hangover is the formation of ethanol decay products in the liver.

Fight these effects can be through various means, which are often in any home medicine cabinet.

What to do with a strong hangover?

The first thing you need to do with a severe hangover is to drink as much water as possible. This will help the body to overcome dehydration and speed up the removal of toxins from the body.

The second thing to do after a hangover is to drink a cup of strong black tea if there is a lack of assortment and mild nausea. Strong tea is shown even with alcoholic intoxication, so that sobering came sooner.

If nausea is not one of the symptoms, then it is advisable to load the stomach with light food-to eat an orange, a slice of lemon or to drink kefir. Acidic products will speed up the recovery of the body, and lactic acid helps to eliminate intoxication.

What should I do if I feel sick with a hangover?

With a very severe hangover, there may be nausea - what to do in this case will prompt the home medicine cabinet: if at least one of the medicines listed below is at hand, they should be taken:

What if my head hurts during a hangover?

If the headache hurts when the hangover, then the first simplest means for alleviating the condition is Citramon (the "fort" is more effective), and also Aspirin. They negatively affect the gastric mucosa, so people with gastritis or peptic ulcer are contraindicated. Most of the special "anti-alcohol" prescription drugs consist of acetylsalicylic, or ascorbic, or succinic acid with the addition of caffeine, and therefore they are no different from Citramon.

A quick way to get rid of a hangover

To remove the hangover, you can use folk remedies:

Among the additional people's funds are allocated regime. If you go for a walk and breathe deeply the fresh air, then this will ease the condition due to the acceleration of metabolism. Also, with a hangover, vomiting can help, and the earlier it provokes, the better it will affect the removal of hangover symptoms.

Among modern medical methods for treating a hangover is the intravenous injection of salt solutions, to which substances that normalize the water balance in the body are added.

When arrhythmia, high blood pressure , rapid heart rate should seek medical help.