Duodenitis - Symptoms and Treatment

Duodenitis is a disease that is characterized by inflammation of the duodenum. It often affects its mucous membrane, and this creates the characteristic symptoms that distinguish duodenitis from other gastrointestinal diseases.

Types and symptoms of duodenitis

Initially, duodenitis is divided into two categories, depending on the form of the current:

In acute duodenitis, symptoms are more pronounced than in chronic cases.

Also duodenitis is distinguished by localization:

In acute duodenitis, as a rule, not only the intestines but also the walls of the stomach become inflamed, which causes severe pain in the abdominal cavity. A person at the same time feels nauseous, vomiting and general weakness may occur. A person refuses to eat because of discomfort in the stomach.

In the clinical analysis of blood there is increased ESR and leukocytosis.

Often acute duodenitis passes on its own, but in rare cases serious complications can occur in the form of pancreatitis, intestinal bleeding or perforation of the intestinal wall. To avoid complications, during the exacerbation you need to see a doctor who will monitor the situation.

Chronic duodenitis has less severe symptoms. In chronic form, the patient retains a pain of a tight or ulcerous character. Also, the patient does not leave a feeling of raspiraniya in the abdominal area and nausea. Against the background of chronic duodenitis, the patient has constipation and heartburn.

Causes of duodenitis

In patients very often, along with duodenitis, there is also gastritis . This coincidence is not accidental, because both diseases are caused by the same reasons:

Treatment of duodenitis

In some cases, duodenitis does not require specific treatment and passes on its own after a temporary diet. In other cases, the treatment can be symptomatic, and if an infection is detected, it is antibacterial.

Nutrition with duodenitis

In the treatment of duodenitis, proper nutrition plays a very important role, because the work of the digestive system directly depends on what the person eats. Therapeutic diet in this case consists of the rejection of the following products:

Porridge with duodenitis is useful, however, in moderation. With constipation, excessive use of fiber can only aggravate the situation. Optimal nutrition with duodenitis can be recognized as light vegetable and rice soups. The soup-mash will also have a positive effect on the mucosa.

Treatment of duodenitis with medicines

Treatment of duodenitis with antibiotics is indicated in cases where the analysis confirmed the presence of Helicobacter pylori. Along with this, it is known that taking antibiotics can adversely affect the bacterial flora of the intestine, and therefore, after a course of antibiotics, you should drink bacterial yogurts. The choice of antibiotic depends on the treatment plan of the doctor.

Also, in order to adjust the acidity, doctors prescribe in such situations ranitidine, omeprazole, etc. These medicines have a large list of contraindications and side effects, so they must be taken with the consent of the doctor.

In order to protect the gastric mucosa and intestines, patients are prescribed maalox and its analogs. Maalox can not be consumed constantly, because it quickly leads to phosphorus deficiency.

Folk remedies for duodenitis

Treating duodenitis with folk remedies in case of unexpressed symptoms can also be effective. For example, the daily morning intake of mucus oatmeal helps to protect the walls of the stomach and intestines from irritation, and tea with chamomile helps to get rid of inflammation.