Ceftriaxone - indications for use

Quite popular drug Ceftriaxone is an antibiotic whose spectrum of action is wide and extends to aerobic and anaerobic microbes, with negative and positive Gram stain.

Among the indications for the use of Ceftriaxone is precisely the infectious diseases caused by these bacteria. Let's consider more in detail, in what cases the medicine helps and how to use it.

The use of ceftriaxone in infections

The drug is effective against streptococci of groups B, C, G, golden and epidermal staphylococcus, pneumococcus, meningococcus, intestinal and hemophilic rod, enterobacter, klebsiella, shigella, yersinia, salmonella, proteas, etc.

Also indications for the use of Ceftriaxone medication include infectious diseases caused by clostridia, although most strains of this bacterium prove to be resistant, actinomycetes, bacteroides, peptococci and some other anaerobes.

It is worth noting that some of the listed microorganisms show resistance to other antibiotics - penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, but Ceftriaxone is very effective against them.

How does Ceftriaxone work?

The antibiotic acts bactericidal, not allowing the cell membrane of the microorganism to be synthesized. When the indications for Ceftriaxone use imply injections intramuscularly, the drug shows a rapid and complete absorption, and its bioavailability is 100% (the drug is absorbed completely without loss). An hour and a half after administration, the concentration of Ceftriaxone in the body reaches a maximum, and the minimum is fixed only after a day or more.

The drug is able to penetrate into the fluid - synovial, pleural, peritoneal, cerebrospinal fluid and even bone tissue. The drug is excreted by the kidneys for two days, and also with bile through the intestine.

What diseases will Ceftriaxone help?

As the instruction says, the indications for the use of Ceftriaxone are as follows:

Among the indications, Ceftriaxone also has infections in patients whose immune system is weakened. Use the drug and during surgery to prevent complications of purulent-septic nature.

Method of application of Ceftriaxone

The drug itself is a white powder from which a solution is prepared in the treatment room for intramuscular or intravenous administration.

As a rule, 0.5 g of the drug is dissolved in 2 ml of water (special, sterile for injection), and 3.5 ml of water is taken to dissolve 1 g of ceftriaxone. The received product is injected into the buttock, deeply introducing the needle. To reduce pain, 1% lidocaine can be used.

For intravenous injections, the powder is diluted differently: 5 ml of water is taken into 0.5 g of the drug; At the same time, 10 ml of water is needed to dilute 1 g. The injection is done very slowly - for 2 to 4 minutes. Lidocaine can not be used.

If the indications for Ceftriaxone use involve intravenous infusions (a dropper), the drug is prepared from 2 g of powder and 40 ml of a solvent, which in turn consists of a solution of sodium chloride, glucose, and levulose. A dropper lasts at least half an hour.

The treatment of the infection and the dosage of the antibiotic is chosen exclusively by the doctor - the duration of the course of injections or infusions depends on the severity and course of the disease.