Cholesterol - the norm in women by age, causes and treatment of abnormalities

One of the indicators of human health is the level of cholesterol in the body. Over the course of life, this indicator varies, so for each age period, there are acceptable standards. The older a person becomes, the greater becomes the need to monitor this indicator and try not to allow its excess.

Good and bad cholesterol - what is it?

Until recently, there was an opinion that in the human body the amount of cholesterol should be as low as possible. This is a misconception, since cholesterol is part of the membranes of tissue cells and organs. It is produced by the body and used to form some hormones, acids, build new cells, synthesize vitamin D.

Cholesterol can be of two types: high density and low. For human health, low-density cholesterol is dangerous, which is why it was called "bad." Good and bad cholesterol coexist together, as long as they are in the right proportion. With a high saturation of "bad" cholesterol and a low concentration of "good" there is a risk of blockage of blood vessels and the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques . Therefore, in the diagnosis of cholesterol in the analyzes will indicate how much and what kind of cholesterol is present.

Analysis for cholesterol

The analysis on cholesterol in the blood is prescribed by the therapist in order to determine the amount of cholesterol and its quality. This diagnosis is recommended for problems of the cardiovascular plan, endocrine pathologies, obesity, hypertension, kidney disease, liver and as a prevention for men every year, starting at 35, and for women - from 45 years. There are such types of tests for cholesterol:

Analysis for cholesterol - how to prepare?

For the passage of the test for cholesterol in the blood does not require special training, but for the accuracy of the data before conducting the diagnosis should follow such recommendations:

  1. The day before the test, reduce the amount of fat and fatty foods in your diet, and do not drink alcoholic beverages.
  2. Inform the doctor about medications taken.
  3. The day before the test is done, it is necessary to reduce the fiznagruzki and try to avoid emotional unrest and stress.
  4. In the morning before taking blood you can not smoke.
  5. Blood surrenders on an empty stomach in the morning.
  6. The last meal is best done 12 hours before the test, but it is not advisable to starve for more than 16 hours.
  7. Just before taking blood, you should sit quietly for about 15-20 minutes.

How to take an analysis for cholesterol?

To determine the lipid status of the patient, a detailed analysis for cholesterol is often prescribed. The test is performed in the laboratory and involves the diagnosis of venous blood. A cholesterol test can be taken one month after stopping medications that reduce cholesterol. In order for the results of the diagnosis to be reliable, a normal lifestyle should be conducted before taking the tests, however, one day prior to the test, it is recommended that the advice described above be taken into account.

Cholesterol - the norm in women

The norm of cholesterol by age can vary slightly in different reference books, which is related to the characteristics of those groups on which the studies were conducted. The table of cholesterol norms reflects not only the general norms, but also the permissible amount of "good" and "bad" cholesterol. The acceptable norm of cholesterol in the blood in women will be expressed in mmol / l or in mg / dL.

In different laboratories the data can turn out different, but all the indices are higher than 5.2 mmol / l, require additional diagnostics - lipidograms. Both high cholesterol and low cholesterol in all women by age can indicate the presence of chronic painful processes in the body. These lipidograms allow us to clarify the cause of the changes in cholesterol level and to reveal the danger of development of atherosclerotic changes in the body.

Cholesterol in women after 30

With age, all people increase the amount of bad cholesterol, which causes the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels. In men this process occurs earlier, therefore by the age of 30, problems caused by cholesterol can be identified. If for young women the total cholesterol is considered within the limits of 3,329 - 5,759 mmol / l, then after 30 years the norm rises to 3,379-5,969 mmol / l. HDL cholesterol ("good" cholesterol) is 0.93 - 1.99 mmol / L, and LDL is 1.81-4.05 mmol / L.

After 35 years in the body, women undergo physiological age changes that contribute to the increase of cholesterol, the norm in women by age. The level of progesterone remains relatively high, which helps to keep cholesterol within acceptable limits. For women 35-40 years, the norm of cholesterol in the blood should be kept within the range of 3,63 - 6,379 mmol / l, HDL - 0,88-2,12, LDL 1,94-4,45. After 35 years of age, women who use hormonal contraceptives, who abuse smoking and are not eating well, are at risk.

The norm of cholesterol in women after 40 years

In women who have crossed the fourth decade, metabolic processes are slowing down and the production of sex hormones begins to decline, which causes a certain increase in the level of cholesterol. Harmful habits, unbalanced diet, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and genetic heredity are the causes leading to increased cholesterol in the blood and the development of atherosclerosis.

Cholesterol, the norm of which at this age can fluctuate from 3.9 to 6.53 mmol / l, increases with viral infections, in the early days of the menstrual cycle, with chronic and oncological diseases, prolonged stress. The amount of "good" cholesterol can be 0,88-2,87 mmol / l, and the "bad" - 1,92-4,51 mmol / l.

Cholesterol - the norm in women after 50 years

A woman's body after 50 years begins to prepare for menopause: the menstrual cycle begins to stray, metabolic processes slow down, which increases the risk of atherosclerotic plaques. The norm of cholesterol after 50 years and up to 55 in women is 4.20 - 7.38 mmol / l, HDL cholesterol can reach 0.96-2.38 2.28-5.21 mmol / L, LDL ranges from 2.28 to 5.21 mmol / l.

Cholesterol - an acceptable norm in women by age in the period from 55 to 60 years - can fluctuate in the range from 4.45 to 7.77 mmol / l. Of this amount, HDL cholesterol may account for 0.96-2.5 mmol / L, and for LDL - 2.32-5.44 mmol / L. These norms do not apply to women with cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. This group of people should try to have a lowered rate of cholesterol.

The norm of cholesterol in women after 60 years

Physiological and hormonal changes in the body after 60 years lead to a rapid increase in the level of cholesterol. In women, the blood cholesterol at 60 years is 4.45-7.69 mmol / l. Of these, HDL cholesterol is up to 2.4 mmol / L, and for LDL - no more than 5.7 mmol / l. This cholesterol is the norm in women in terms of age, although these indicators are higher compared to the age of men. In this age period it is important to systematically monitor the level of cholesterol in the body and follow the advice of the doctor to reduce it.

Increased cholesterol in women

Elevated cholesterol is diagnosed in 25-30% of women. Moreover, the older the lady, the higher the cholesterol - the norm in women by age, and the higher the risk of atherosclerosis. After 50 years, cholesterol is postponed more intensively, which is associated with a deterioration in the state of the body's defenses. Increasing the level of cholesterol has almost no effect on well-being, so women rarely go to the doctor to find out the level of the substance in the body. To conduct a preventive examination to determine elevated blood cholesterol , it is necessary systematically once a year, starting with 45 years.

Elevated cholesterol - causes

Often, high cholesterol - the norm in women by age. And the older the lady, the more loyal the table norm becomes. In addition, high cholesterol is often the result of poor nutrition, problems with metabolic processes and hormonal changes. In this case, the cholesterol values ​​will be consistently high. Sometimes elevated figures may appear temporarily. This occurs during pregnancy, in the early days of the menstrual cycle, with severe stress.

Considering how to lower cholesterol in the blood, you need to think about the reasons for its increase. The reasons provoking an increase in the cholesterol index can be:

How to lower cholesterol?

To avoid the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, the amount of cholesterol should be maintained in acceptable norms. With high numbers of "bad" cholesterol, you can use such recommendations as lower cholesterol:

  1. Eat more fiber , helping to get rid of excess cholesterol. It is found in all vegetables and fruits, seeds, bran, whole grains.
  2. It is useful to drink freshly squeezed juices, especially apple, orange, grapefruit, beet, carrot.
  3. The meal should be 5 times a day and have to be at the same time.
  4. You should increase physical activity.
  5. We must try to avoid strong stress and anxiety.
  6. You should control your weight.
  7. It is important to get rid of bad habits.

Reduced cholesterol in the blood

About cholesterol is often referred to as a substance that only harms the body. This view is not entirely accurate, because cholesterol is an important part of the body. This substance is found in the cell membrane, helps the production of serotonin, is used in metabolic processes, maintains muscle tone. Insufficient cholesterol levels can cause such physical and psychological problems:

Lowered cholesterol in the blood - causes

A persistent reduction in cholesterol indicates a health problem or an improper diet. Common causes of low cholesterol are:

How to increase cholesterol?

Reduced cholesterol in women can be explained by a number of reasons, which are written above. Therefore, to combat this problem, it is necessary to first identify its cause. After this, it is desirable to concentrate on nutrition and lifestyle:

  1. It is recommended to leave bad habits.
  2. Give the body physical activity.
  3. Food should include the same foods as with increased cholesterol: fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sea fish, whole grains, cheese, seafood, eggs, foods with vitamin C.