Boric acid - application

Boric acid is a medicine that has been familiar to many since childhood. Every second, probably, in the first-aid kit a vial with this drug is stored up to now, despite even a modern choice of alternative medicines. Active use of boric acid is due to its powerful antiseptic properties, capable of giving odds to any modern drug, and accessibility.

Application of boric acid in medicine

This remedy acts equally effectively on the skin and on the tender mucous membrane. The huge advantage of boric acid is that it can be used by both adults and children, starting from the youngest age. The main thing is to strictly observe the dosage. The fact is that boric acid accumulates in the tissues and is very slowly excreted from the body.

The main indications for the use of boric acid are as follows:

Treatment with boric acid otitis is one of the most common ways of using the drug. Like no other medicine, the acid destroys the bacteria and allows you to cure ear inflammation quickly, avoiding the occurrence of complications.

In otitis, boric acid can be used in both powder and solution form. There are two most popular methods of treatment:

  1. Boric acid can be digested in the inflamed ear. Before the procedure, it is recommended to clean the ear canal with hydrogen peroxide. It is enough to drip two or three drops of acid and hold them in the ear for about ten minutes, then gently remove with a cotton swab.
  2. Another way to use a solution of boric acid is with the help of special turundas. Small gauze flagella soaked in a remedy, laid in the night in the ear and covered with fleece.

After several procedures, improvements will be noticeable. It is impossible to quit treatment after the first positive changes, but it is not recommended to use boric acid for longer than a week.

Application of boric acid for the face

Boric acid has managed to find application in cosmetology. Its unique properties allow you to fight with pimples and acne. In addition, the product helps to reduce the fat content of the facial skin, and, accordingly, prevents the appearance of many dermatological problems.

The action of the remedy is based on the burning of acne. And it happens absolutely painless. Apply boric acid from acne is not difficult - just once a day, rub your face with a remedy. Carry out the procedure preferably before going to bed, so as not to overdry the skin. In the first few days, the amount of acne can dramatically increase - this is quite normal. Do not stop treatment, and a positive result will not take long.

By the way, the skin does not get used to boric acid, so even after full recovery it can be used for washing for preventive purposes.

Application of boric acid for legs

Boric acid also showed itself well in the fight against fungi , often affecting the nail plates on the legs. Although the agent has no antifungal properties, it struggles with a problem better than some special medicines.

  1. An effective method of application - a bath based on an aqueous solution or a powder of boric acid. The water temperature should be slightly above 50-60 degrees. If using a powder, try to mix it thoroughly. The procedure should be done every 1-3 days. After steaming, feet are wiped clean towel.
  2. Boric acid powder can be used for compresses. Pour it on the affected nail and leave for the night, pasting all the band-aid.
  3. To combat the fungus, you can apply and ointment or alcohol solution of boric acid. Simply grease the nail with the available remedy twice a day.