Cirrhosis of the 4th degree - how many live?

Forecasts for various chronic diseases depend on many factors, but the defining evaluation criterion is the stage of the development of the disease. The higher it is, the lower the probability of 5-year survival. Therefore, the first thing that patients are interested in when cirrhosis of the 4th degree is diagnosed is how many live with such a diagnosis, because this stage of disease progression is characterized by almost complete loss of the body's functions.

Symptoms of cirrhosis of the 4th degree

This stage of cirrhosis is also called decompensation. This means that the liver does not actually work, since most of the cells of its parenchyma (hepatocytes) are replaced by a fibrous connective tissue.

Signs of this pathology:

In addition to the listed clinical manifestations, cirrhosis of the 4th degree is accompanied by a number of dangerous complications, among which:

The stage of decompensation proceeds rapidly, the patient literally "melts", and therefore needs emergency medical care.

Treatment of cirrhosis of the 4th degree

A comprehensive approach is used to treat the described stage of pathology progression. A person needs to completely change the way of life in favor of a healthy diet and the rejection of all bad habits. At the same time, several groups of medicines are prescribed:

Patients with cirrhosis at the stage of decompensation are recommended to comply with bed rest and a special diet. From the diet will have to be deleted:

Limit to a minimum:

Preference should be given to:

Strict and constant compliance with the diet helps to improve overall health and quality of life.

It is important to note that the conservative approach is not effective for long, in the end it ceases to function. Therefore, during treatment it is necessary to discuss with a doctor the possibility of a surgical operation for a liver transplant. Today this technique is the only The option of salvage in the diagnosis in question.

How many live with cirrhosis of the liver in 4 stages?

Given that the stage of decompensation is characterized by the absence of hepatic activity and liver dysfunction, the prognosis for cirrhosis of grade 4 is disappointing. The parameters of 5-year survival do not exceed 20%, more than half of the patients die even earlier, within the first year from the date of diagnosis, the rest - for two to three years. The main cause of death is not cirrhosis itself, but its complications, especially malignant tumors, ascites and hepatic encephalopathy with confluence in coma.